Character Sketch: Captain Oswald Captain Archibald Oswald Captain of The Jolly Octopus Old seafarer, "been sailing these seas and soaring these skies since long before ye were born, young pup" Big handlebar mustache, elaborate to the point of near hilarity Walks with a cane, carved from warped and withered driftwood, bronze curved handle and bronze tip, handle is actually a pistol that comes out if you press a hidden botton and unsrew the top, hidden switch blade tucked away into the side, cameo photo of his (unknown) lover mounted on the side Smokes a pipe in the evenings Short and jolly man with grey hair, a bit of a pot belly, and twinkling grey eyes Tiny spectacles and a big admiral's hat

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  • HaHa
  • Wauw
  • verdrietig
  • Boos