Translate   12 years ago

What Might Become He awoke in his bed, light streaks of sun poured In from his loosely closed shades. He could smell a sweet soft smell in the air He had realized he had left the window open last night, letting in the fuzzy outdoor air inside to fill his room. He opened his shades and looked out the window screen. He look across the vast plains he called home. It was a peaceful place, no traffic, no noise of the hustle and bustle of city #life, and the air was pure, with no hint of pollution at all. He would go to work in the little town about a mile away. He loved that little town, It had just what you really needed in #life, and the people were Always kind, like they were your neighbors. He didn't have any neighbors close by anyhow. He got up and looked into his mirror, he messed with his hair, managing to make it neater. He left his lovely little home and drove on the long stretch of road that was miles and miles long. He got into town. He passed the little market, the church, and the few houses that surrounded the small town, he stopped at the gas station for a quick refill of gas, then he set out across the tiny, little town back to that wonderful little market to start his work day. This is inspired by the my love for the great plains, I wish to move there someday and maybe start a family, if you have ever been out in the plains, it is a very peaceful place, almost otherworldly. No noises or people, just the quiet of the grass and the bright blue sky up above. I just love how the long plains go on for miles, and miles...

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