Soul Taker I don't understand why I feel so dead inside Why would I set the key aside If I hadn't lost that key You wouldn't be in my head right now I just want to be set free My body is starting to break down My mind is going in circles being chased around My head is stirring up dark deep thoughts How can I make it stop I'm so out of sorts Why did I let you beat me and choke me You wouldn't stop until my body went limp I didn't know at the time I was just a trainee All the while I thought you loved me All I wanted was to make a family tree You loved being in power and in control I lost everything my body,heart, and soul You was a con straight out of the hood I was a fish straight out of school I wasn't living no more just going through the motion day by day Waiting mostly for the hits that you gave me when I disobeyed Being careful of where I was hit So no one could tell I was being extinguished you didn't want bruised merchandise You preyed on my mind as I declined Following every rule you made Taking every punishment you served Was I gonna be sold to traffickers Or was you afraid to let your money maker go to the panthers Was this the bigger picture all along You stole my key and sold it to the devil is that why my head was always bashed against the wall I was under your spell Only way out was through hell People see you hitting and beating me But they just walk around or keep going never saying word to help me get my master key Why did you not stop and help me Maybe I would've went back but what if you was the one who set me free My #life was in danger I was told my family was too which was a game changer I did as told and when I was told and what I was told Somewhere in your f--ked up mind you thought I wasn't obeying you was always in control That's when you used whatever weapon You had in tow to beat me into submission I reckon You thought you was a player You was my soul taker

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