Snow Moon I feel energized and a lot more awake today than I've felt in the last week or two, I'm on the upswing for sure. Nothing much is planned for the day, I'm going to get a mocha and then to Costco for a box of Aussie bites which I discovered on Super Bowl Sunday at my uncles party. I'm just getting back into the daily journaling mindset, it's been a hefty transition to convince myself I can accomplish and feel the same from typing versus writing. The calming therapeutic stroke I feel from putting pencil to paper is something so deeply engrained in my psyche it's hard to ideally get the same effect from journaling by typing and expecting to feel the same sense as I would writing. I know that I can get so much more across with expansion of taking my writings to apps like this and social media, so here I am giving it a go, it's just the beginning, helping me gain some accountability and discipline in my daily. I've got a ton of tales to make you laugh and cry, all the while I became a beautiful blossoming lotus made from deep in the dark mud of the earth. I call myself Cody Coyote and I will share with you some of my "Coyote Tales" However they come to me and with whatever beautiful serendipitous characters and settings that go along. Its all happening right now, and it's all so wonderful and miraculous, and downright painful and maddening. I hold no bars when it comes to that, it's raw truth, however it comes out, it's my story and I own it. The nitty gritty details are where all the magic happens, to be able to convey in a way that everyone will understand and use it for good in their lives is a purpose I want to fulfill in sharing my daily thoughts and activities and inspirations with you. Just know that someone always has it worse off or better than what you have now. Also know that all this is temporary. Everything we touch and see, will eventually disappear, we are finite bodies with infinite souls. How we are on the spiritual realm will be with us forever, what materializes in #life, our relationship of loving energy with our fellow man and the planet is what resonates and stays throughout all time with our legacy we make each day consciously.

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  • HaHa
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