Translate   12 years ago

The Journey Begins You know I have been searching for an outlet of thought like this for some time. Somehow this seems more spontaneous than a normal blog. I haven't sussed out who I'm Going to follow yet and who if anyone is likely to follow me. But it feels like writing in a diary or a journal with all the privacy that entails, but with the hint of a chance that someone might just read it... I like it...could save a lot of thoughts just bouncing around in my head keeping me awake nights! So here goes... It's twenty to three in the morning and I am wide awake. It's not a full#moonkeeping me up, and it's not windy...for some reason I can never sleep when it's really windy outside, regardless of whether I can hear it or not...I reckon it has something to do with barometric pressure...anyone know? here I am...can't sleep and just can't seem to work out what #life is all about. I think it was Socrates who said "all men should get married, for if they pick a good wife they'll become happy and if they pick a bad one, they'll become a philosopher!" Well until about a year ago, I thought I was happy, but in the past six or nine months I'm rapidly becoming a philosopher! Long story and no doubt I'll spill the beans when you know me better. Meantime let's just accept that I thought I had a decent marriage but very suddenly woke up to find out that it wasn't. Coming to terms with that has made me re-evaluate just about everything and start asking the question too often of myself...what the hell is it all about. Of course the moment you start asking that question and nothing but silence and even more subjective questions ate all that comes bouncing back through the know you're in trouble! I'm too damn old for all this philosophising...I thought I'd done all that as a younger man and then worked it out! Now I just realise that I had never even thought the question through, let alone get anywhere near an perhaps we'll see whether this outpouring leads anywhere. I can't promise you a very straight course. In fact I suspect it'll meander like an ancient river, and probably leave us stranded a few times as provoking thoughts create oxbox lakes. But I've never been one to set my course to far in advance. You coming along?

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