Translate   7 years ago

I am may. A soft peice of grass brushed my leg. I looked around to see my friend Jake had spotted me. I ran untill I couldn't see him anymore. I shivered and looked downed at my cold naked body. If Jake and his friends haddent burnt my clothes I would be warm now. I jumped in my hot tub. When I opened my eyes I saw Jake laying next to me. I rolled my eyes. He leaned in. "What beatiful breasts you have!" I streched and covered myself up. He leaned in closer to my breasts and looked down. I screamed and picked my naked body up and ran to a bush. It was very cold in that bush as I stayed there all night. I went home the next morning and jumped in bed. When The alarm sounded at six, I pulled myself out of bed and went on my hotel rooms porch. I sat on a chair naked except for a makeshift bra I sew. I meditated. I am Jake and Yes I have a crush on may. A sexual crush. I was in my bed crying after when she was grossed out in the hot tub. I am trying to keep it out of my mind. I walked passed the small lake and looked at may's porch. I sighed and went behind a bush. When i came out I had nothing on. I crawled up to may and tackled her. We rolled a few feet before She stopped ontop of me It was a few days after and I was in the bath. May and I. Me and May. I wanted to replay last night. The feeling. The happiness I went down to see May in the hall with my brother... "BRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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