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C.U.B.E Amy was a sweet girl. I say was because like many people there becomes a time in there #life; tragic, exciting or just too dull that you just simply subconsciously change. Either to be a better person or worse but either way you change. She had the typical normal family mum and dad that works, own bedroom, shared the house with two other brothers one of which was getting ready to go of to collage. She thought that all is going to be well. It was 60 am her alarm went of like any other day. She snoozed her alarm like any other day. Her mum calls for her to wake up like any other day. She had the typical routine for a typical teenager. But yet she had a lingering feeling that something wasn't right. "Honey, breakfast is ready" her mum called " I'm coming... mum where's my phone" she through her belongings over her head on to the floor."muuuuuuum!" As she reached her closet and started with the bottom left side of he piles of clothes she heard a sturdy thud as one of her jeans hit the floor. She didn't take no notice of it she thought it was one of her 'expensive' belts. "Amy your bus is here" she never did find her phone but she didn't want to risk walking to school. She rushed down the stairs jumped the last 3 steps caught a red apple that her dad through. " thanks dad, bye mum" " Amy were going to your brothers collage to check out his dorm, dinner is going to be in the oven, take care honey!" she slammed the door and just about made the bus. She sat next to her best friend Kelly and behind her was James. Like the typical stories he had a big crush on her but like always she never realises. The poor boy all my sympathies go out to him we all know how hard it is to get out of the friend zone. " hey looney tune, snap out, what are you thinking about. Daren right? Did you see what he was wearing he's so bloody hot. How many times do I have to tell you, in order for him to notice you we have to change your wardrobe your hairdresser your everything. Just give me the ok and I can make it happen" " don't listen to her you look perfect" James said while leaning over the seat. "Hover much" Kelly said while chewing gum. "Firstly I would again reject your offer to the wild make over. it's just I can't remember we're my phone is I fell asleep with it in my hand and now it's just evaporated in thin air" "mmmmmm" Kelly said while texting her endless list of wanna be guys. She wasn't even listening, how did they ever become friends. As they were getting of the bus Amy was still in her own world retracing her steps trying to remember we're her phone might be and tripped on a loose screw and fell directly into Daren's lap she grabbed his arm with her free hand and the other perfectly landed on his chest. He was rock hard there was definitely no fat cells any were. It was like being cradled by a warm statue freshly carved from marbled silk. She suddenly felt a warm feeling rush up her back into her cheeks as she realised what was happening and who he was. He started to laugh and said softly "hey, are you an angle coz you just fell from nowhere" can that be the most cheesiest most stupidest most horrible pickup line ever. I'm literally grossed out while righting it. She went from being embarrassed to annoyed in 5 seconds. Her first time talking to Daren and he turned out to be an air head like what was she expecting someone that hot can't be clever at the same time it just never happens. She tried to get up but she slipped again and fell back but this time he was ready to catch her again " I'm sorry i never say things like that but I saw the opportunity and thought it matched the situation" "Ouch, my foot. Nice catch" "Are you ok should I take you to the nurse" "No no it's ok I can walk, I just need to stand up. Oooouuuuuchhh" with a sudden jolt he picked Amy up like she was a bag of air "you are going to the nurses office" he said with the most beautiful smile ever. He carried her out of the buss for everyone to see and then boom the rumours began. " don't look at them they are just thirsty leaches that want to suck and ruin what's left of our reputation, it will all die out by the end of the week." The day went on with the constant bickering and whispering and laughing but she got through it normally. Amy couldn't wait till she got home or what was left of it. While everyone was busy out of the house what she thought was a belt was a small box. It was the size of a tennis ball with very smooth sides and edges. There were no patterns, buttons, or any secret lockets. It looked like a normal tennis sized cube. I can tell that your imagination is starting to give you answers to why it has such significance to this girls #life, it's magic, from space, from the future or the past we just don't no. But this cube, this useless piece of wood changed Amy and made her who she is today. The first woman to become the united states of America.

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