Translate   7 years ago

The Family I Once Knew The family I once knew is now vanished. Never knew it was based on lies, disloyalty , and betrayal.There was once upon a time when " I love you" wasn't questioned or was so hard to say. I remember the kids growing up in a two parent house hold. This particular family was envied and adored by other families. This particular family went through struggles every other day but lived everyday they had no worries! I remembered when the kids believed and trusted their father to protect them by any means. The kids honored and adored their mother with everything in them. Now that family I just mentioned is shattered. The bond that was once strong and tight is now weak and loose . The mother is resting with the angels , most of the children don't talk to their father , The sister has so much tension, stress, and bad anxiety because she trying to stay strong for her brothers and everybody else . Ignoring her feelings to maintain her emotions and keep composure! Brothers trying their best to make it on their own. So much hurt in this one family and no solution!

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