Tradurre   13 anni fa

Loss People walk in and out of your #life for a reason . sometimes when they leave , we can't help but be sad. the saddest thing though , is when you know that theyre gone forever. its so hard when you realize that the person wont be around anymore. You wont be able to see the smile that always light up your days , or hear the voice that made everything better. You wont be about to be held in the arms of them & feel safe anymore. Sucks doesnt it? And when it eventually reaches to that point you hate yourself because theres so many things you want to say but you cant. Whats the sense of talking to a dead body ?! Crying wont bring them back . Neither will screaming to the sky and asking "God" why. You never get the answer do you..and it hurts. Every single day that goes by you still miss them but not as much. But then you'll hear something or see something that'll remind you of them and the emotions all come back to you at once and it HURTS SO FREGGIN BAD. Sometimes it hurts to the point where we cant take it and we break down and cry. We cry & we wish and wish and WISH that they could come back . & You always have that little bit of hope that theyre gonna come back . That one day you'll wake up and realize that it was just some sick joke . Days go by and you realize ..theyre really gone . But you still wont accept it. You fight the urge to break down in tears because you still believe that theyre gonne come home one day . And then , when you realize that theyre not coming back you start to loose hope. Youll curse at God and blame him for taking the person out of your #life. Kinda why i dont believe in God . they say when you die , you go to a better place. how do they know that , did they die ? NO THEY DIDNT . Its funny because while theyre here we hold back so much and then once theyre gone you wish they were here so you could tell them . I really dont know if any of this makes sense but you guys get what i'm getting at. theres so much pain and it never goes away . it may fade for a little bit , but in the back of your mind you know youre forcing a smile to hide the pain . You can still feel the pain , maybe not as much as before but the pain will always be there...

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