Traducciones   8 años

Dear Jane Dear Jane Tuesday 23rd April 1987 I have missed my #life like no other. I ain't got a #life any more. I remember glaring at the sunset over the hill, at about 70pm. That the feeling I get. I am like a sun setting. Dear Jane, Wednesday 24th April 1987 I have gotten used to this feeling of hurt. Not Love, Live and Lush. Hate, Hurt and Hight. I'm not perfect but I guess it's nice to have at least a #life. Dear Jane, Thursday 24th April 1987 Jane. What have you done! Today has been awful... [remember that letter my great-grandma wrote which I posted on Opuss? Well, we found another letter in a box in the attic. My Great Aunt, Jane wrote this to herself. When she said 'Dear Jane,' I think she was doing a diary entry.]

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