To The Future Me Dear Future Me, I didn't maybe mean to ruin your #life. I was young and didn't really know myself. As I am now approaching 9, I found out who I was. But, at that age I didn't really know what the future would hold. I didn't know much on #life really. For the Me who is reading, I am still young, you know. At 9 years I can write, write and all that... Future me, I hope you can turn my small #life the right way up now because now, I really don't think the future me will be good. It's Friday The 13th this week and I hope you can help me. If it is a future some body else reading, your #life probably had mistakes like me. I'm sorry for my mistakes, Future Me... I am not happy with what I have done. (This letter was given to me by my mother. Apparently, my Great-Grandma wrote it when she was nearly 9 and has been passed down the generations. I'm certainly proud of my Great Grannie. She had the guts to write all that out ❤)
Cataract / Stevo Owens
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