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Sermon: Hebrews 10vv19-25 A Call to Persevere Structure of the passage, crucial, that as we persevere in faith, that our minds and our hearts are reminded and refreshed in the Gospel, so that we can know and let the truth of what we are persevering in and for, encourage us and strengthen us as we persevere. For we know that … ’Perseverance produces character and character hope. and hope does not make us ashamed, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.’ Romans 5v4 1) What God has done for us - The Gospel vv19 - 21 v19 - Confidence, through Jesus we have access to God. Reminding ourselves of the truth of what we have been saved from, the sin and separation, to restoration and holiness, to an enduring relationship that will never be broken. v20 - Atonement. That the old curtain was torn in two, through Christ alone and his sacrifice on the cross he has opened the way for us all to enter into this relationship with God in reconciliation, by his authority alone. v21 - Jesus’ authority as the great priest over the house of God, confirms and establishes the legitimacy of the Gospel and the confidence that we have in it. Jesus paid the price and satisfied the righteous wrath of God for our sake and salvation. v22a - From that we have the ability to draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, in truth, in vulnerability, in our brokenness, in earnest and genuine honesty, to seek him and call out to him and receive the preciousness of his presence in our lives. - And what he promises to do in us. 2) What God is doing in us - Sanctification v22 v22b - Sanctification. Having our hearts sprinkled from a guilty conscience and our bodies washed with pure water - freeing us from the sin that entangles, the shame that enslaves us. Realising the freedom that we have in Christ and appreciating the new creation that God has made and is working in us. 3) Our Response - (2 Fold) Dedication to God v23 & Commitment to others vv24&25 To God - v23 - Dedication - That we hold unswervingly to the HOPE that we profess. - The hope in the Gospel, in Jesus. To hold with determination, with an unrelenting grip, because HE who promised is faithful. Our determination to hold onto this hope in faith is not unfounded, it is not in vain, it is not ridiculous, because of who our God is, that HE is faithful, our hope, our faith, our confidence and assurance are secure because we are certain of who HE is. Therefore, we can push on in perseverance and hold unswervingly to the hope because we know the trustworthiness of him who designed it. To Others - v24 Commitment - We consider others, that we consider how to spur one another on in love and good deeds -a reminder in Galatians 6v9 - To not become weary in doing good. We take action in aiding one another in our walk with the Lord, we are committed to one another not giving up meeting with each other v25 - being intentional with one another, keeping each other accountable, praying with and for each other, encouraging one another with the love of Christ in all gentleness and kindness, demonstrating the truth of his Gospel with the fruit of the spirit. Galatians 5v22 with Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Commitment to each other to fight for and with one another for the glory of God. To persevere in faith, supporting those in the church and around us, being reminded of the truth and gift of the gospel, as being the basis for our lives and the reason why we persevere. 4) Conclusion That as we persevere in FAITH, that we remember what we are persevering in, the Gospel. That we see: 1) What we have been saved from - What God has done for us - The Gospel - Redemption and freedom we have in Christ, the confidence in the relationship that we now enjoy with God. 2) What God is doing in us - Sanctification - renewing us and purifying our hearts, freeing us. 3) Our Response - Heart attitude - That the outflow of these truths leads to dedication to God and commitment to others And to focus our minds as we live the Gospel, hold on to God’s promises and serve one another in this manner, Hebrews 12 v1-3 ‘Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that was set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him, who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.’ Let’s Pray. Father, We thank you so much for the truth of your word, of your gospel and your salvation. Lord Jesus we praise you for your love for us and the way that you have opened up for us to have confidence and assurance, to draw near to the father and live a #life in redeemed relationship with you. Lord I pray that you would let these truths settle in our hearts as we seek to serve you, to persevere in faith and hold on unswervingly as we place our hope in your word. Strengthen us and embolden us to live lives that are worthy of what we have been called to, and increase our faith to transform our hearts in you as we seek to demonstrate your goodness, faithfulness and love to those around us. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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