Translate   7 years ago

The Killer- Prologue The sound of the wheels on my bike crunching the snow on the street always relaxes me. I love the way the air feels early November. It's refreshing. Nobody cared to bother me. Everybody minded their own business. Though I'm only fifteen, my mother let me stay out late, and the nights when I was out all night she never knew about. Not that she needed to know. "Michael!" My friend calls me over. I bring my bike up his driveway and say hi. "It's been a while since I've seen you. What's up?" Leo asks. "Nothing. Just- just keeping myself busy is all." I say. "Oh, well do you want to hang out?" He asks. "I'm sorry," I start rolling back on my bike, "I can't. I have to help my uncle today." I say, starting to pedal slowly. "Oh okay, I'll see you at school tomorrow!" He calls out.

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