My Castle I've never been truly vulnerable with someone Until I met you. You had gone through so much That I let you into my walls I let you have a room in my castle Said that what is mine is yours Let you see me in a light I've never shown anyone. Then a storm came An earthquake shook the ground You had become so much of me That when the storm came My room locked itself And all I could do is see you from a window. My walls smaller Being locked out from where you are I can't take this I can't survive much longer Just seeing glimpses Just hearing your voice every now and again Only really having you When you come to my door to talk Not coming when I call out screaming I went numb before And although hated I want to think that that was better Than this feeling Please hear my plea Break down this door... Or soon I feel That I might just jump out the window And see what comes From leaving the castle And making a new one...

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