Affair Missed calls and worries galore I've waited for your headlights and the knock at the door. Time is nothing but my heart is aching I know where you have been, your routine of professional faking. The lies entangle me into great depths of despair I believe you love her, a sick forbidden love affair. My soul screams your name, what am I suppose to do? You break my heart but I continue to forgive you. Your the one I bleed for, this broken glass beneath my feet. Like I'm struggling to breathe while 6 feet deep. I watch the#moontake the form of hell I can smell her on your collar but you could'nt tell. I pretend to forget for I am in love with you But your attached to her, with me you want nothing to do. I was there when you needed someone to hold I am not suppose to love a married man..... So I've been told.

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