übersetzen   8 Jahre

The Loss Of My Cat My cat died a few days ago, due to a car. I cry every day, especially in the evening and can't fall asleep. Coco, my cat was the best cat in the world. She was funny, and kind. Sometimes she left the house for a few days. This time, she came back in my dads arms. She just were been sterilized, and if it haven't been for the big scarf on her stomach, she maybe would have survived. I am about to cry right now. She also slept in my bed, purring when I petted her. I even ate one of her hairs from her favorite sleeping place, just to be a part of her. Coco, I still love you. Coco, I miss you. Coco, I don't understand that I'm never gonna see you again. Coco.

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