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Elena The Fairy: Elena And Bliss Elena is a fairy. She really likes to make flowers grow. She actually can't say why. She just likes it. Elena is 12 years old, and that's not that old. Elenas mother is 122 and her dad is 123 years old. As you can see, it is a very young family. Elena likes to be in the daycare. It is fun, and there are many other fairies that are very kind in the daycare. There is also a little wizard, that is 1 1/2 years old. He is newborn and just so cute! But the only girl in the daycare is an adult. It is a really kind adult, of course, but it is not a child. And that is the only problem with the daycare. But then, one day, there was a new child in the daycare. And just wait for it... It is a girl! When Elena hears that, she runs to the front door. She is so exited. But then Elena gets mad. And sad. And frustrated. Why? It is not a fairy. It is a witch! Elena shouted at the witch: "Go away! You witch!" The witch looks scared at Elena. "What have I done?" She is crying. Her tears look like crystals. Elena looks amazed while the tears fall down the witches cheeks. They are beautiful. "Wait there!" Elena says. The witch still cries crystal tears. Elena finds a jam glass filled with mold. The asks the witch to cry into the glass. The witch doesn't understand anything, but do it only because of fear. The fears, that the fairy will be mean. Meaner than the kids in the other daycare. Just because she didn't had a special talent. She still can't find it. But then her tears water the 'everything seed' in the jam glass. The everything seed makes plants. Depends on what water you use, it makes a different plants.This is a flower, and the flower is growing fast. And the flower looks like it has blue crystal flower petals. It looks beautiful. "Do you wanna be my friend?" Asks Elena amazed. The witch is amazed too. Because of the flowers, and because someone actually asks her for friend. "Yae, what is your name?" "Elena." "Beautiful name," the witch says. "Mine is Bliss. Not as beautiful as yours." "I think it is." "Thank you. And thank you for being my friend."

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