Hi everyone, so here's chapter 3 (so excited about this one!) and I hope you like it Chapter 3 After a week in our new house, we had finally the basic standards of living, heat, light, running water and endless cups of tea. Or in Chrissies case, the hairdryer and iPhone. But anyway, although we'd been in this house for a week, it still felt distinctly odd. Like we were sneaking around where we shouldn't, I knew it was ridiculous, but I felt a guilty sort of thrill whilst exploring the many, many rooms of the mansion. I tried to get Chrissie to come and explore but she was not having it. "No." she scowled flatly, "I am not getting dust on me! Eurgh, this house sucks!". "There might be some old clothes or something..." I suggested but she still looked unimpressed. "I've got clothes! Are you really that desperate Carrie?" Chrissie asked pityingly and I marched out of the room crossly. On Sunday, I woke up much earlier than usual and propped my elbow on the bed thoughtfully, it was so quiet here...so dead. Well obviously not dead, but it felt cold and empty. I hated that feeling and suddenly shivered violently. Well, it wouldn't be for much longer, Chrissie and I were starting school on Monday, something I was particularly dreading. As I had pointed out before, popularity and coolness were something I dreamed about. Not things that had actually happened to me. I didn't want to think about school today though, I quietly got up and dressed hastily. I sighed slightly at the inch of dust on everything in my room...Chrissie perhaps had a point, the dust WAS annoying. I crept down the long stairs and slipped ever-so-quietly into the kitchen...what to eat for breakfast? I checked in the cupboard, we had 2 slices of bread and a pot of jam left. Someone definitely had to go shopping sooner or later. I picked up the jam, just about to prise the lid of when the door flew open with a terrific "BANG!". I jumped and unconsciously let it slip through my fingers and smash onto the floor. "Carrie! My jam!" Chrissie moaned marching in, "I wanted some on toast for breakfast...". "It's not YOUR jam" I pointed out irritated, "-and I wouldn't have dropped it if you hadn't barged in like a nut case". I looked down at the slowly expanding pool of ruby-red jam. I suddenly felt fully thankful we had tiles in the kitchen. "Well you are cleaning that up" I announced, "The mop is in the cupboard...chop chop!". "No way." "YES way" "NO" "YES!" "NO!!" "OH YES YOU ARE!" "OH NO I'M NOT!!". Then Mum suddenly burst in, "Will you two pipe down!" she exclaimed, " The neighbours will hear you!". "But we haven't got any neighbours" Chrissie pointed out and Mum smacked her head. "Oh yes, I keep on forgetting that...". She sighed and then her eyes were drawn to the pool of jam on the floor. "Oh for Heavens Sake, who dropped the jam?", "Carrie did Mum!" Chrissie said immediately. I bit my lip awkwardly, "Sorry Mum...but we're running low on food, I'll buy some in the village today if you want?". "Oh would you love?" Mum asked looking relieved, "I've got a terrible headache." "Great!" I said grabbing the purse and keys. "Right AFTER you've cleaned up the jam...". Chrissie grinned in triumph. Damn it.

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