Translate   8 years ago

15th August 2015 120am Venice Setting off into the midnight sky leaving the dusk behind us. The long adventurous road ahead . . . Taking us to our destination. Nobody on the road just us and the odd one or two cars that pass by. Radio blasting out some tunes into the milky twilight sky. Let me tell you about my friend Roberto a handsome friendly type. Casually dressed in head to toe designer gear oh so dear. But here I go badgering on when I'm just the same in my own dear trend. Like I say you can't beat the brand of Gucci, Prada, or any other brand. 16th August 2015 80am Milan Oh and I totally forgot to tell you about my drive a limited edition Ferrari roaring red. Motoring along the road heading towards Milan for our fashion show. . . . . .Hours later we arrive at our destination Milan park up on our friend Mario's private drive Oh what a luxury apartment in Andora with floor to ceiling windows set back but a short walk, down to the magnificent spectacular white beach where we love to surf and top up our tan. Walking up the steps to the front door to the entrance with an over night bag I and Roberto enter the apartment on arrival. I am greeted by Mario who gladly welcomes us on arrival with a big smile, kisses and hugs. Throughout the apartment a modern style of white and blacks interior, music playing in the background through the apartment but not blearing out loud. As Mario shows me and Roberto to our rooms to get settled in. Mario says in a calm voice "I'll leave you to unpack and lunch will be ready when you come down." 120pm All fresh and ready to hit the beach after lunch Roberto and I head down stairs into the big open planned kitchen dinning room area, we both sit down to a platte of salamis, hams, cheeses including mozzarella and much more. Wow Mario you sure know how to treat us well Mario just smiles and grins joining us at the modern oak table. Well guys i cant have you starve on me plus you'll need your energy for kite surfing shortly today. "I'll be taking my camera to get some great shots of you guys out on the waves" says Mario. . . Roberto asks "And will you be putting these on your blog Mario . . . .?" "Of course" says Mario with a smile on his face. "Also we could get an amazing opportunity to catch a spectacular sunset with in the background. Great guys ready to hit the road . . . Yeah . . . Hell yeah!!!" Mario locked up the house. At the beach We all make our way down to the beach with the gear and tackle Mario sets up his camera as me and Roberto surf the waves in turn. Each and every time, a prefect shot just in time as the sunset comes over the horizon of the sea creating stunning photos. Oooohhhh my then suddenly . . . A massive wave appears from no where taking Roberto for the ride of his #life, but amazingly Roberto manages to stay up on his board. To be continued

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