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Enter Dawn Part Two Layla Enter Dawn "Can we go yet? It's almost dark!" I beg, but Raven shakes his head. "If you don't want to get caught, then you don't go out before dark. " he says, and I fold my arms over my chest, sulking. Raven is like a brother to me, and it's always been me and him. Him and me. We work together. We look after each other. Well, he looks after me. He won't tell me exactly how old he is, but it's definitely older than a hundred. He found me when I was a newborn, blinded by my lust for blood, and taught me the ways of the vampire world. Never go out before dark, don't trust anyone, don't tell anyone, and most of all: Never. Get. Caught. "C'mon Layla," he says, a few minutes later, "let's go." "Where are we headed?" "We can hang around outside the local pub for a while, it's Saturday night so there's bound to be a few drunkards who don't know any better." "But you can taste the alcohol in their blood! It's --" "Shut up, Layla. What I say goes." Silence hangs in the air. Raven goes mad with power sometimes, you always have to watch yourself around him. Some days he's fine, others he's not. You've got to be careful: catch him on a bad day, and you'll find yourself dead. On a good day, it's only slightly better. You might get away with most of your limbs. I follow Raven to the pub. I haven't been to this one before, but Raven has. We walk through the shadows, heads down and hoods up. We go unnoticed. When we reach the pub, we don't have to wait long before a man comes out. "Don't expect to be served here again!" Someone shouts after him. He must have been kicked out. Raven nods subtly. This is the one. "Bloody bouncers." The man swears, stumbling all over the pavement. "Oi, you over there." Raven calls, and he turns to look. "There's a back way in, I can show you." "Cheers matey." The man slurs. He's obviously had one too many already, and it's not even eleven pm yet. Unsuspecting of what's in store, the man follows Raven and I around to the back of the pub, by the river. As soon as we are out of sight, Raven pounces. Within seconds the man's neck has been snapped, and Raven is fulfilling his thirst. I keep a look out for anyone coming, whilst Raven drinks the man's blood. I think I see a figure moving at the end of the alleyway, but when I turn to look, there's nothing there. Then I hear Raven cry out. There's a man, with red eyes, like us, on Raven, taking him away. "Run, Layla!" He calls, and I do. I run until I have to stop, until I am sure that no one is following me. Then it dawns on me. I can't survive alone. I won't be able to. Raven helped me, kept me alive. Without him, I am nothing. He won't be able to tech me the ways of the vampire world. I won't be able to survive. #enterdawn (A/N: yes I know it's bad but I didn't really have any inspiration! Hopefully we can make our characters meet soon and things will really get going @TheNewInfiniteSky )

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