Goosebumps Remastered Night Of The Living Dummy IV I was walking though the gloomy woods when I seen two boys putting something in the bin I walked up to them slowly what is that your bining I said an old ventriloquist dummy one of them replied can I have him I asked sure take it the other one said but one thing his name is slappy he replied in a scared voice when I got home I told my mum all about the dummy but all she said was well that was nice of the boy to give you the dummy Tim the dummy's name is slappy I told here fast forward to the night I sat slappy on the chair facing my bed I woke up to find him moving in horrorfing voice he said so your my new slave slappy your alive yes I come alive i said every night and I am going to ruin your #life Tim he said how do you know my name I said horrorfied how do you know my name he said I know it because two boys told me you mean Daniel and Zane I terrorised them fore ages and Iam smashing this phone no wait that's my brothers phone but he still smashed it no !!!!!!!!!!!! You stupid dummy I said who ya calling dummy? Dummy he said know slappys not happy he yelled how are you alive I asked ? Iam alive because you read the magic words karru marri odonna loma karrano well Iam going to stop you right know !!!!!! I said No your not he yelled Iam going to paint on the walls mwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! No your not I grabbed the key to my room and locked him in with me know onakarr amol annodo irram urrak he wait no no he froze finaly he's gone . Take a peek for the next book the haunted mask lives my name is chuck two halloweens ago carley Beth put this weird mask on and the following Halloween my friend Steve put a mask on like it but this year it's my time to shine I walked up the shop where I found it I picked the one carley Beth put,on every thing turned red my vision went blurry,for five minutes #HappyHalloween #Halloween

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