Traducciones   8 años

Suffucating Hyperfocus Oh no what to do What to do? I know I will wear my kitty one piece And then I will calm dow... No... No... Where are they? They should be here But they aren't. I am on the verge of crying Because I can't find the kitty one piece pjs The ones I got rid of 3 months ago My mind isn't rational. Yes it is. No it's not. A war keeps me there Looking Searching for the pjs The ones that could keep me sane But yet they are gone and I begin I begin to lay down My mind screaming in me My mind screeching Telling me I'm done for I decide that I should shower It'll be better Relax... But my mind is freaking out. Screeching save me Save me! SAVE ME! The shower helps But only a bit I'm left almost collapsing Almost giving in Almost curling into a ball. I watch Winnie the Pooh And my mind doesn't quiet Yet my body calms So that is good. I hurry on my night chores Finish them faster than usual And go to bed I lay here in eeyore pjs My mind racing My body relaxed Oh please can I just sleep?

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