Traducciones   8 años

Deception Or Denial (monologue) How dare you look at me like that? The brow furrowed, questioning. I know you don't believe me. I can tell. I've always been very good at reading people 'You need to admit the truth.' You say, fidgeting uncomfortably now, does my honest gaze unnerve? 'You have a problem.' Problem. I dont have a problem. I pity the people like you, the people who can't trust anything they hear - there's sweat on that brow now. My parents are like that too. I can see my mum, she'll be out round about now, accomplishing the weekly shop. I know her timetable. Purely for recreational purposes, in case I ever want to nip out. She would be angry you see, if she knew. But I'm a good daughter - in order to be that there have to be some grey areas. In any case they must have an inkling, an idea of me, if they sent me to you and this dull room with the ticking clock; sharp window ledges the dust can't fall off. I think the worst thing that you can ever accuse a person of being is a liar. Some people think that I am a liar, that isn't true at all. I smile sweetly. You, who think you know me, but have no idea, it almost makes me laugh - almost. When I was 12, I met someone like you, she was my friend actually - do liars have friends? I think not. We used to be attached, I trusted her. I remember vividly the days we spent sitting on the field behind my house and just talking. It was a trap. She ensnared me with 'but I though you said...' She revealed all my secrets to an audience. It was just wrong, do you understand? Like accusing an actor of playing the same role their entire #life. Sometimes, I get tired too. They don't seem to realise that I don't want to keep up the same face, I want to fluctuate between, its invigorating, like being trapped in two universes. People are boring. I think they should thank me, if I choose to be happy today they may smile. You're scribbling now, am I supposed to feel regretful or scared? I wonder if that's what other people feel like. Exposed. Maybe I should be more open with you, I'm not going to start bleeding out a story so that you'll feel sorry for me, I'm not crazy. A little coercion never hurt anybody though, right? So what shall it be. Clueless or distressed, I believe they are valid options at this point. I have been displaying the characteristics of both so far. Fidgeting. Hunched shoulders. Lack of eye contact, check. I've tried to be perceptive too, but its not my forte. I'm not crazy. Raised eyebrow - unsure. 'I don't know what you mean?' You drum your fingers absentmindedly. Honestly. It's like falling down a rabbit hole, dark and never-endingly boring, simple people take so long to formulate clever words. Like I said. One character. Monotonous. I think you know me well enough now. I've painted a picture. Lying is an art like everything else, I do it exceptionally well. eragonaddict ©

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