Traducciones   8 años

Yesterday,I woke up in sadness.I knew it was going to be a terrible day, Tuesday's are always boring! Firstly, I have school dinner (which is all healthy and disgusting),then we have swimming,which I absolutely despise. After all that, the last subject is art, it is not that boring because we usually use paint and we splat it on each other (although we're not allowed). When I went down the wooden stairs to get breakfast, something strange occurred. I took a bite on the overcooked toast and I had a very peculiar feeling rushing from my body to my mind.I felt a little pain. And a tickle. I thought it was because of the brown toast. As I strolled to go and wear my black,leather shoes.I couldn't see my hands.It was strange.I sprinted to the mirror and I was invisible...I couldn't believe my eyes,I thought it was deceiving me,I pinched myself to check if it was a dream. It wasn't."It might come in use!"I giggled. I entered the school gates and saw my best friend Jake, he was sitting on the same bench we sit on all the time, he looked like he was waiting for me,so I went to him.But I realised I was invisible.We all entered the classroom,our teacher (Mrs Morgan) started doing the register. Soon, I thought of a spectacular idea.I went to the colossal desk and I wrote random stuff on the whiteboard, all the children were extremely shocked.Also,my other friend Tom, was going to sit down after he explained his answer but I took the chair away,he fell and everyone started laughing obstreperously.Unfortunately, they all got double detention for the whole week! After,I felt very sorry for them and I didn't to any pranks or jokes on them.At lunch-time I returned home because we were about to go in the coach to the swimming pool.As I was walking to my house,I could gradually see myself and a weird smell came out of me (it smelled like the burnt toast, I ate this morning).I was extremely content and dejected at the same time because I could finally talk to people but I now couldn't trick people without them seeing me.

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