Translate   8 years ago

My ARK: Survival Evolved Fanfic My ARK: Survival Evolved fanfic; Chapter 1: Beached When i opened my eyes, I saw nothing but a blindingly bright orange splodge that covered my entire vision. Instantly, I shielded my eyes and rolled over to one side, before I could be fully blinded,although there were still discoloured spots obstructing my vision. When I tried to get up, I discovered that my arms and legs simply didn't have the strength to move. I flopped heavily back onto the ground, exhausted. When I tried for the second time I managed to get unsteadily onto my feet, and surveyed the area around me in shock... Looking around me, I noticed that I was stood on a flat beach, peaceful waves lapped the shore, shining a brilliant blue. I began to walk towards the beautiful shoreline, desperate for water... I was expecting the seawater to be salty, like it should be, but when I cupped my hands and drunk the cool, crystal clear liquid, I was surprised to find that it was, indeed fresh and sweet! When I bent my arm to brush off the loose sand that I had collected while I was laying down, I noticed with horror that there was something stuck inside my arm! It was shaped like a small diamond, with many smaller diamonds inside of it, each one shining a different colour. When I brought it up to my face to take a further look at it, a blinding blue beam of pure light shot out of the core of the device, and into my eyes. After a few seconds, some sort of holographic screen filled my vision. The top left part of it was labelled 'inventory' and it had one item inside it; a specimen implant. It looked exactly like the strange crystal in my arm, so I assumed that it was exactly that. The bottom-left of the screen was labelled 'quick item slots'. Since I had no idea how I could use that, I moved on. The bottom-right of the screen was labelled 'statistics', and this showed me how much of each vital stat I had, and the maximum amount of that stat I could have. I noticed that water was at about 54% and was dropping faster than I expected. Just as I was about to draw my arm away from my eyes, I noticed that there was a small tag above my statistics labelled 'Engrams'. I tried to press the button physically, but my hand just went straight through the screen.I tried staring directly at the button, and to my surprise, a new screen flashed across my vision! At the top a large blue box said: 'Engram Points To apply: 8' and below that was a large list of items that I could presumably 'unlock' with my engram points,

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