The Burn The world is a dark and scary place. Danger lurks like death, waiting to strike at only the worst times. Only the Guardians can protect us, warriors of magic, elements and of light. But not all Guardians are good. There are some who pledge allegiance to the Dark, and are evil beyond compare. One such Guardian, named Vil, is the worst of them all. Ruthless, and unforgiving, he ravaged the seven contintents, wreaking havoc and chaos wherever he chose to be. Only Ember Tell can save us all. He is the Savior of old, and of new. He exists only in secrecy, and to most of all, himself. Only time will tell if he answers to his Calling. Chapter one: the burn. The trees were bleeding, casting shades of red and orange everywhere in tue late autumn sky. The air was crisp, and warnings of early snow threatened the small town of Valley, Washington. "In other news, a new peculiar string of deaths has appeared in seattle, leaving the police force baffled and detectives at complete loss of what to do. Senior reporter Collins has the story." Ember clicked off his tv, and sighed. He had just moved from seattle, barely a week ago. He currently resided in Valley, much to his ultimate disdain. He shared house with an eccentric uncle he barely knew, and a black cat named Alice, whom he was sure was plotting to kill him. "What do you want alice? I cant let you out you know that." Alice glared darkly, hissed angrily, and slinked out of Ember's room. He looked at a battered grandmother clock, which told him he was running late. Ember dressed quickly, and in all black. He had no idea that this choice of attire, however isolating, would save his #life. He pulled into Valley high school, in a battered,

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