Autumn Rainbow red leaves scattered everywhere over the parks ground. A loud crunch escaping from them as they got trod on by the walking public. Dogs ruffling about with their head stuck in the ground, tail held high as they spaced off into their own minds. Children running through neatly gartherd leaves, kicking then up as they watched fasinated by the joyful colours it brang to their small eyes. Squirrels nibbling at their morning nutty breakfast, storing the rest for later high up in the trees. Ducks waddle after humans, expecting bread from the old comers that come to feed them their left over bread from last nights dinner. Soon it will be halloween, the time of need to throw a costume on to venture out for hagling for sweets, and if lucky, money. Parnents drag their feet along the path, house to house as they watch their kids put on an invisable 30 pounds of sweets in wieght on them. Though the good thing is that they will never notice if you would happen to steal a sweet or two.