ترجم   منذ 8 سنوات

Circles & Triangles Why are you so silent? Why do you talk so much? Come closer! Why do you disagree? Why don't you agree? Come closer! I'm angry! I say things that I don't mean! Come closer! I am who I am and I'm not going to change! Come closer! Why are you so weak? When did you become so strong? Why are you fighting me? Be happy! Stay! This is my love! This is my pain! I'm sorry! I'll change! You made me this way! This is what you chose! You asked for this! This is who I am. Love me! I love you! I trust you! I need you! Come closer! You smile too much! Come closer! You talk too much! Come closer! You laugh too loud! Come closer! Your light is to bright! Come closer! Come closer. That is too close! Get away from me! I hate me! I hate you! You caused this! You hate me! You liar! I hate you! I hate you! Come closer! I hate you! I hate me! You hate me! Come closer! I'm sorry! I love you! Please love me! Come closer! Don't leave me! I need you! You need me! Come closer. Come closer! Come closer! Say you are happy!

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