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The Heartbreak My head filled with rage; I didn't know how long it was until I snapped. I was in the cafeteria at Quayton Secondary School, I tried to ignore all of the weird feelings that I was having. I knew it was irrational and irresponsible, but I couldn't help it. I was trying to eat my lunch and then she sat on the opposite table, I tried to contain myself- but my feeble attempts were in vain. I tried to stop staring at her but I couldn't help myself. In the end I just put down my lunch and slowly walked out of the dinner hall (looking back every single step I took.) I knew that it was stupid- she had a boyfriend and lots of other suiters- but I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Whenever she spoke my heart skipped a beat, whenever someone said her name my heart raced, whenever she looked at me my heart stopped for a few moments. I should have tried to stop my obsession right then and there, but I was too much of a coward. I knew it was wrong but I just kept on going and didn't leak a word to anyone apart from my immediate group of friends who already knew. Over the course of the next few weeks, I tried to forget about her, but it was too late. My heart was broken when she rejected me and said that she loved another. She told me to not be such a baby and to move on with my #life but that task was impossible. My heart was a ball and she suddenly caught it. She coloured inside the lines of my heart. It was like out of no-where a large wooden stake came flying towards me, it stuck in my heart - impossible to remove- and she was that wooden stake in my heart. She was stuck forever. The End By Eve Dickinson Note: Hey readers! Just thought I should tell you that this book is actually not even remotely related to my real #life. Thanks for reading. Also if you liked this story then you should read some of my others. Again, thanks for reading. Bye.

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