Translate   8 years ago

Strong Woman I just read that a prominent theatre director just said that strong female roles make us uncomfortable. I assume they were speaking for their own shortcomings and inadequacies, because I personally have no issues. I am also unsure what the definition of strong is? My Grandma was one of the gentlest women I know, but she had strength to spare, she worked in a cotton mill all of her #life, living through WWll in Manchester.she was subjected to harsh living conditions with pretty much everything on ration. She raised a family and organised a home. When the war was over she picked up her #life as many others did and moved on. When her husband of 40 years died of cancer she took to her bed for three days (understandable) then got up and lived another productive 20 years. The problem is (as I see it) we feel the need to label everything; a strong person is (apply label) a business person is (apply label) etc, etc. Given there are some six billion people on the planet, putting a neat label on each category may not work so well. Most of the women we know have strengths we don't know they have, are we intimidated or uncomfortable in their company? I think not. The big conversation is, will men be intimidated? Possibly if they are insecure. I am married to a strong woman, she is also feminine, caring, vulnerable and sexy. We seem to have gotten along quite well for 30 years. Saying someone is strong and leaving it there is depriving them of all of the other qualities which in turn leaves them one dimensional.

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