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The New Girl First day "Miracle hurry up you're gonna be late for school!" Mum called "Coming!" I replied. I admired myself in the mirror, making sure I looked fresh and ready to go to my new school, "I'm ready" I whispered, putting a big smile on my face that showed my dimples. When I was in the car, mum kept asking if I would be alright "Mum I'll be fine!" I groaned "You've got your packed lunch right?" "Yes Mum! I'm 15, not 5! I can look after myself" I declared Mum was going to argue back, when she saw the school. We both stared at it in awe. There was a big sign that said Meadlow Secondary School. I could see people walking through the gate. "Good luck honey" mum beamed as I got out of the car. I walked through the gates with a positive smile on my face. The school was so big that I couldn't even find the reception office!  Suddenly a deafening bell rang in my ears and everyone scurried to their classes. I was trying to find my way to the reception office, when I accidentally bumped into a boy, he turned his head to look at me. "Oi watch it will ya?" He sneered jokingly. "Sorry, I'm trying to look for the reception office, do you know where it is?" "You mean the one just over there?" he pointed to the right, I blinked stupidly, how did I not see that? My eye sight must have been getting worse from watching too much episodes of Eastenders. I thanked the boy then went to the reception office, I explained to the reception lady that I was new and that I had a meeting with the head teacher. "Oh so you're Miracle Valet, hold on, let me just call him dear" she smiled sweetly. She called him on the school phone and 30 seconds later the head teacher appeared at the reception office. "Good morning Miracle" he said, shaking my hand, "I'm Mr.Dickens and I will be your head teacher while you are here at Meadlow Secondary School" "Please to meet you sir" I said politely. Mr.Dickens looked like an average aged teacher - not too young - but not too either he had; brown/grey hair gelled back, his beard trimmed and his blue eyes gleaming. "Now let me see.." he murmured, looking at his sheet as he was adjusting his glasses "You'll be in Wilson" he stated, I was confused. "Oh sorry, let me explain, basically the children are put in four different forms, there's; Morpurgo - Reds, Cassidy - Greens, Walliams - Blue and Wilson - Yellows" "Ohh as in Jacqueline Wilson!" I said understanding "they're all named after the most popular children authors!" "That's right and Miss.Valentines will be your form teacher when you go to form time" he explained as he led me to her classroom. I was scared that she was going to be those very strict teachers that you see in the movies you know, like Miss.Trunchbull in Matilda. "Miss.Valentines, the new girl Miracle Valet has arrived" Mr.Dickens declared, Miss.Valentines looked at me and smiled, which made me calm down a bit. "Hello Miracle, my name is Miss.Valentines and I will be your form teacher while you are at this school" she said formally, shaking my hand. Miss.Valentines, was a pretty lady, the tips of her brown hair were curly and were up to her shoulders. She had big sweet brown eyes and she was wearing pink lipstick and a stylish red and black blouse and a matching pencil skirt. "I'll leave you to it then Miracle, have a nice day" Mr.Dickens smiled, leaving the room. "Now Miracle, every form time, you will be sitting next to Tom, Tom raise your hand" she ordered, Tom shook his hand about, which made everyone laugh, I studied his face carefully, trying to remind myself of where I'd  seen him before, "Miracle here will be sitting next to you every from time from now on" she explained, "Hey I remember you! You asked me where the reception office was!" He called out I knew it! "Thomas what have I said about song your indoor voice!" Miss.Valentines moaned, rolling her eyes I chuckled. Tom reminded me of a little boy who got over-excited over little things, I could tell that we were gonna be Tom zipped his mouth shut, I giggled and went to my new seat. I got my book out of my bag and started reading paper towns. While I was reading, I felt something poke my wrist, I looked down and saw a note Hey new girl I looked at Tom and he was pretending to read his book as if he never wrote that note, Even though his book was actually upside down Hey Thomas, the names Miracle by the way cool name, is there a story behind it? Lets just say, I was risen from the dead Are you kidding? Well I am called Miracle for a reason Cool "Miracle, Tom can you come up to my desk please" Miss.Valentines ordered, my heart was pounding, maybe she saw us writing notes, but Tom didn't seem to look worried. "Now Miracle, this is your planner where you will record your homework, write information and reminders and hopefully not get detentions written on it like some people" she said, glaring at Tom, Tom smiled innocently, I tried not to laugh as she gave me my planner, it was yellow and said my planner on it "Uhh.. Miss?" Tom asked "Yes Tom?" "Why did you call me here?" He asked "I'm getting to that part now,'you have the same lessons as Miracle except for maths which is because you will be in different sets, apart from that you will be showing Miracle around the school, giving her instructions of what to do and what not to do" she explained to him "So basically I get to be her tour guide?" "Basically" "Well Miss, it is a privilege that you chose me of all people to do this" Tom said, bowing his head "Don't thank me, I didn't choose you, Mr.Dickens did, though I have no idea why" she shook her head, "also Shay Colton from the Morpurgo house will help you, if you're busy or not in" she explained Tom nodded, then the the bell rang. "Okay class, you better head to your first lesson" she said as we all left. "I guess you're stuck with me" Tom chuckled "So what's our first lesson?" I asked, Tom looked at his planner and he sighed "What?" I asked, concerned "Computing.." He mumbled "Huh? "Miracle, we're gonna need to speed this up" "Speed what u- ahh!" I screeched as Tom grabbed my hand and run up the stairs

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