Traducciones   9 años

Alienated I'm feeling the separation, though we were once so near. That spark of affection in your eyes seems to have disappeared. I'm running round in circles, searching for a cure, wishing i could make things like they were before. I'm a broken person becoming someone new, but every little step I take embitters your mood. Accusations fly around that I'm pushing you away, but the barriers you've erected are stronger than I. Somedays you laugh and joke and smile - I almost feel at ease, then without a cause or warning you're hostile. Was it just a tease? I'm getting whiplash, am I going mad? Am I remembering wrong? Is it all my fault? What's happening? Please, tell me what's going on. Your words haunt my waking world I cry myself to sleep I need my family, but you're not there. When did I become this weak? And now as I'm set to leave My bags are at the door I wonder if I'll be welcome when I return. Do you love me anymore?

  • Me gusta
  • Amor
  • HaHa
  • WoW
  • Triste
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