Translate   9 years ago

Monster. After you left, I knew things would be different. Not a day goes by that I don't remember that cold starless night. The night that you left me on. Ill admit, at first I was shattered, torn to bits, but I learned to let it roll right off my shoulders since the accident. It was late in December that you told me you never wanted to see me again, and me (being the fool that I was) just stood there. I didn't put up a fight because I knew it wouldn't have mattered to you. To this very day, your words still echo in my head. The day of my birthday too. You looked me square in the eye and told me you never wanted to see me again. I was so "in love" at the time that after you left I just wanted to end everything. So I did. It was a Friday night. I had nothing to do but sit and think about you, the way you'd done me, and that you were gone. I just couldn't take it. I got up and walked out to the balcony of the apartment that I lived in. I looked down. I lived on the fifth floor so if I were to jump I'd most certainly die. I stood there and thought long and hard about it until finally, I had made up my mind. I hurled myself over the railing and fell freely. I closed my eyes and waited until finally SPLAT! I had hit rock bottom. I should've died that night and for a moment i had but he somehow managed to bring me back. He saved me by creating me into what I am now. By now you've noticed, I'm not human. I'm sorry but any human that hurls themselves from the fifth floor of their apartment and somehow live is not human. Although I'm not really alive anymore. You see it was Alec who changed me. He saw me laying broken, crumpled, and bleeding out on the ground and gave me a chance to restart. Boy did I ever. He'd changed me into a vampire. For some reason after I'd turned completely I didn't turn out like all the other vampires, I turned into a physic vampire. I don't know how or why. It has its ups for instance: I don't drink blood, I draw energy which is a lot more convenient. I don't draw enough to drain people I just draw enough to get me by. I only take what I need and then I leave. Other than that I am like every other vampire. I don't have to eat (I do to keep up with this human stuff), I don't sleep, and I don't have to breath. Compared to all the other vampires I'm strong and fast. I don't fool with jobs because I don't need one I do however seek justice and will do whatever it takes to keep my lives and the lives of others safe. Especially Alec's I would do everything in my power to secure his safety as he would for me. Alec's P. O. V. I remember it was a late December. I was headed to the pub as usual to vanish my unusual appetite. I was walking past this apartment when out of no where I was struck by an aroma that was so strong that I about lost it. I followed my nose past the apartments gates to the pool area. That's where I found her. She laid on the ground like a beautiful crumpled angel. It didn't look like she had just tried to take her #life. She looked as if she were in a peaceful sleep. I envied her. Did she not realise how precious #life is? A #life that could so easily be taken. A single tear fell from my eye. What could've been so horrible to make her want to do this to herself? A surge ran through me, I wanted to track down the person who'd driven her to this bitter point of her #life and kill them. I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I almost didn't see the weak rise and fall of her chest. Her eyes fluttered open. I could tell by her breathing that she didn't have much longer to go. I got on my knees and sat next to her. I brushed her jet black hair from her face. "This is going to hurt, a lot," I whispered in her ear. Her body trembled and she coughed, blood spewing from her porcelain toned lips. I wiped it away with my sleeve. I brought my lips to her neck. I opened my mouth and sunk my vangs into her neck. She let out a soft gasp but slowly slipped back into a unconscious state. I pulled away, hoping that the venom from my bite wouldn't kill her and change her into a vampire. Although I'd never met this girl, something inside me told me that I couldn't let her die. I pulled away and took her into my arms. I gently placed in my car and drove us home where I could tend to her wounds. All I can remember after "touching ground" is seeing Alec. I remember seeing his blood shot eyes as he brushed my hair from my face. A sharp pain surged through out my body. I wanted to scream and cry but it came out as a cough. I could feel the warm liquid crimson fill my mouth, soaking my lips. Just let me die boy, I thought to myself. Instead he mumbled something in my ear and then there was a sharp pain in my neck. This pain was even greater than the pain that I was already experiencing from my jump out off of the balcony. I passed out in his embrace. I could feel him lift me up and carry me somewhere and then lay me down again. I wanted to open my eyes to see where this man was taking me but I couldn't. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, nothing. All I saw was the darkness. This was an unusual darkness though. It was like an inky black mist that skunked around my waist. All of a sudden a pain so great and over whelming started at my toes and spread through out the rest of my body. It felt like sharp shards of crushed up glass flowed through my veins. I tried to scream but nothing came out. After what seemed like an eternity it passed. It was just me and the inky darkness again. Then there was a light. At first it started out as a small dot but then it grew and grew until everything was basking in its warm glow. I felt safe and secure in the light. It slowly faded away and I was left with the darkness again. This darkness was regular though. I could hear the sounds of either a tv or a radio and I could feel a soft fabric under my finger tips. I opened my eyes and when I did I was surprised to find that I was in a room that was not mine. It wasn't a hospital room either. It seemed like a spare room of some sort. I sat up in bed. The tv was on and playing some show I'd never heard of at the foot of the bed. Where am I? I thought to myself. I looked down at my chest. There was a long puffy scar that started where my chest plate started and stopped at my waist. I ran my finger tips over it. It felt cold and jagged under my finger tips. There was a soft knocking at the door. "Come in?," I said more as a question that a statement. It was the man that had brushed the hair out of my face from before. He quietly walked in, shutting the door softly behind him. He stopped dead in his tracks and his face turned beat red. "I'm so sorry I forgot that you were...," he trailed off, handing me a robe and turning his back to me. I slid it on and tied it around me. The fabric was soft and warm. "Who are you?," I asked. He turned around. When he did I'd realised that this man was gorgeous. His eyes were dark brown almost black. He had shaggy brown hair that hung in his face. His facial features were sharp and muscular. The urge to kiss him was so strong that I crossed my arms over my chest and balled my fist up. "My name is Alec," he said in a smooth voice. It got quiet. His eyes dropped to the floor. "I found you," he said," it appeared you'd jumped from the balcony." "I was intending in taking my #life," I said, my words flat and cold. " Why?," he asked. "It's complicated," I told him. "What I'm about to tell you may seem crazy but...," he said pausing. He seemed nervous like he was afraid to tell me what he was thinking. "Here goes nothing," he said, taking a deep breath while running his fingers through his hair. "I changed you, completely. It will take you a while to adjust but I had to do it in order to save your #life." I just stared at me. I could tell that he was telling the truth, no matter how ridiculous it seemed. "What have you turned me into?," he asked. He gently grabbed my hand and led me to a full body mirror in the corner of the room. I wasn't me, at all. My skin was as white as snow and my hair was thicker and smooth and longer. My eyes had a red tint to them. My features were more cat like. He stood behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. An electricity ran through me making me shiver in delight. "You're a vampire," he said. Alec's P. O. V. She stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself in disbelief. Her face was completely expressionless making it hard to read her. "Are you ok?," I asked. She nodded, sending a single strand of her long black hair in her face. I tucked it behind her ear. "I'm here to help you. You're now my responsibility and I want to help you through this," I said. She turned around. "Why couldn't you have let me die!?," she said tears streaming down her face. "You are dead," I told her, gently whipping the tears from her face. "I don't know you but I couldn't bear the thought of just leaving you there," I told her. I looked I her eyes. I could tell now why she had jumped. Someone had broken her heart. I couldn't mend that but I would do everything in my power to make it easier for her to bear. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her to my chest. I buried my face in her hair and stroked the back of her head. "I promise you, everything will be ok," I told her. She wrapped her arms around me and sobbed, squeezing me tightly. Her tears stained the front of my shirt. We stood there for what seemed like forever until finally she stopped crying. I pulled away and stared at her. "You need to feed," I told her. Her eyes widened. "Just trust me," I told her, withdrawing a razor blade from my pocket. She backed away, shaking her head. "I don't want to hurt you," she said. "You won't, it doesn't even hurt me," I told her. I put the blade to my neck and made a small incision. I could feel the warm liquid slowly run down my neck. Even from across the room, his blood was intoxicating. I held myself back, telling myself I couldn't. He took a step closer with his arms outstretched. My back was to the wall. He took several more steps until he was standing in front of me. His face was inches away from mine. "Please," he begged. His arms were around me. I tangled my fingers in his hair and brought his neck to my lips. It smelled amazing. "What if I'm not able to stop?," I asked. "Take all that you want, it will not harm me," he said closing his eyes and bracing himself for what was to come. I placed my mouth over the cut and gently sucked. The warm liquid filled my mouth. The taste was horrible though. I swallowed and pulled away. "How can something smell so good yet taste so foul," I said. He pulled away and stared at me in disbelief. "What?," he asked, shocked. "Your blood, it's disgusting," I said. "Wait here," he said walking over to a near by table and grabbing a flask that sat on top of it. "Try this," he said taking the cap off and handing it to me. I took a small swing and spat it out. "That's even worse! What is that stuff?," I asked. "Human blood," he said. All at once, it's like a light bulb switched on in his head. "You're a psychic vampire," he said, his mind miles away. "What?," I asked him. "You feed off of energy and not blood," he said now lost in thought. "I want you to concentrate on me, focus on drawing energy. Picture it in your head," he said. I closed my eyes and did as I was told. I could feel a tingly sensation all over my body and I knew that whatever it was I was doing, it was working. Slowly I started to regain my strength. When I opened my eyes he was standing in front of me, smiling. "Congratulations! You just fed for the very fist time!," he said. I walked over to the mirror. There was a little (but not much) color back to me face and my eyes had went back to normal. At first I didn't know what to think. "When can I return home?," I asked. "Whenever you're ready," he replied, "once the venom was injected into your blood stream, you started to heal at a rapid pace, so your body should be able to handel daily quest." "Yeah...ok," I said. My heart was what was hurting, not my body. He smiled, "in fact if you want to get dressed, I can take you back now I suppose," he said, while staring at me in the mirror. I cleared my throat breaking him from his trance, causing him to jump. "Sorry," he apologized, "You are just absolutly breath taking." If i had blood left in my body it would have all ran to my face right now. I guess a plus to being a vampire is that you never blush, ever. I looked away, combing my fingers through my hair. "Yes...I think I'd like to go home now," I said. He gave me my clothes and allowed me to take a quick shower while he got ready. I stood under shower head as the warm water trickled down my back. I couldn't believe any of this was happening. Yet here I stood, after leaping from a balcony five stories in the air, taking a shower, like it was all a normal part of my day. There was a soft knock at the door, "um, no rush or anything but I'm ready to head out when you are." I could hear Alec's foot steps fading away down the hallway. I quickly finished and got out. After getting dressed I met Alec outside. "Are you ready to go?," he asked. I nodded my head. "Then we're off!," he said leading me to his car. The outside of his house was as nice as the inside. The lawn was perfectly cut and well kept. This place made my apartment look like a complete dump. "How did you afford all of this?," I asked. "Well just overtime I guess," he said, starting the car. "Overtime? How long exactly have you been around for?," I asked. His hands griooed the steering wheel. "You're just filled with questions aren't you?," he asked looking over at me while driving. I could feel my eyes get as big as the moon. He gave me a funny look and then relization kicked in. "Oh," he said laughing, diverting his attention back to the road, "perks of being a vanpire i guess." I relaxed a little once he was looking at the road. We fell quiet for a moment. "Soo," I said, breaking the silence, "what exactly do you di for a living?," I asked. "Oh I'm a doctor, ironic right?," he said with a hint of a smile playing around his lips. My heart ached a little. "Enough about me, what's your story?," he asked. "Oh me?," I asked,"I'm kind of lost right now I guess." "What do you mean?," he asked. "Well...It's stupid," I said shutting down. "No, what you did was stupid," he said, his gripped toghtened around the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. "Yeah but there's a stupid reason behind that," I said. "Then please do explain," he urged, loosening his grip. "When you love someone, you'd go to the ends of the earth for them, fortunately, I didn't make it that far," I said staring out the car window. Even talking about it now hurt more than anything I'd ever felt. "I moved here to be closer to him and he abandoned me." I could feel my eyes start to tear up. "Now I'm here alone, with no friends or family," I started sobbing. He put the car in park and flipped the ignition off. I looked up to see we where at my place already. "I'm sorry to have burdened you," I said getting out of his car. "Wait!," he said, grabbing my hand, "I haven't been human nor have I felt alive in a very, very long time so I'm not sure of your feelings to this mortal, and yes, I do believe that is er... was a stupid reason BUT maybe that happened for a reason," he finished, pulling his hand away. "What are you talking about?," I asked sniffling a bit. "Well if all of that would've never happened, I would of never had the pleasure of knowing you," he said staring down at his hands. I could feel my whole face burn but he didn't seem to notice me blushing. "You said you don't have any friends or family here right?," he asked looking over at me. I nodded unable to speak. "Well allow me to show you around and introduce you to some of my friends," he said. I couldn't speak. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out what looked like a business card. "Think it over, and if you ever need anything at all give me a call," he said,handing me his card. I nodded, sliding it in my pants pocket. I thanked him for helping me and go out, eager to get home. Some where familiar was all I wanted right now. I stepped inside locking the door behind me.

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