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State Of The World The state of the world Is in argument For no one can come to an agreement On whose state is whose Or What each state's fate holds England closes its channels and chunnels In an attempt to stop fighting By enacting new laws to shut down its borders And so orders come in to Write more laws To right the wrongs That terrorists made But not all terrorists are Muslims And not all Muslims are terrorists Let them migrate From the hell they call home Because for years their governments have failed them and left them alone And shot them and bombed them and tore apart families And now the US is demanding A ban on all Muslims But Americans were all immigrants once We were the Jews escaping the nazis The Irish, the Chinese, escaping poverty And Rio, the city of carnivale and beaches Struggle to find the power to reach us For they are too in poverty and corruption And tot his I have to say it enough then We are all one in the same, Suffering and fighting again and again We are all the same So to fight one another would be a shame For no man's freedom Is another man's to claim

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