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Moving On Her eyes were oceans And you've always loved swimming. You used to gaze into them Like they were another world; Planets to explore... And you've always loved adventuring. When the others saw you together, They never believed You had met two years ago. You didn't either. You would wait for her to come in, And while you weren't a "follower," You two were joined at the hip. You were partners in everything, For everything, She was everything. She was like a sister, Your best friend, And you saw one another In each other; Back then, you would have never Expected that would change. In time, you stopped sitting by her. She stopped meeting you outside After lunch. You sat at the bench by yourself, And she allowed her seat to be taken By someone else. You realize now That the reason her name Doesnt melt you anymore Is because you've heard it being said, And even said it yourself, So many times That it stopped leaving a taste In your mouth. They told you she was different, And they told you she was colder Than the innocent warmth of you. They told you there's a reason The sun strays from the moon. At first, you didn't listen. The voice of reason Became the voice of treason, Until finally, the only voice you heard Was hers; As smooth as her descent into your thoughts, As soft as her porcelain skin... And she got her hold on you. She painted herself as a leader, And sure, her words sometimes hurt you, But you figured she never meant it. And sure, she always put herself Before you, But you figured you could fix that. You can't fix that. She painted herself as strong, And sure, you saw little emotion from her, But you figured it would change. And sure, she always expected things You could never give her, But you figured that it would fade. It never faded. You realize now that you grew out of her, But what hurt the most Is that she grew out of you too. And you might know how to Braid her hair just right, Or how to respond to Her witty sarcasm, But you don't know how to be something She'll miss. You look into her eyes one last time; There's no ocean. - 7/24/16 PS: This #poem comes from a special spot in my heart. It's about my ex best friend and how drastically our relationship changed over the past three years. Hope you enjoyed x

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