Translate   12 years ago

The Last Templar View from behind two little girls heads, staring out the window, shouts of " get him out" come from outside the panel. Closer look to see a police car parked and a teenage boy around 18 being held by policemen. "I stand up for u again and again but every time u side with him!" he says " we'll this is it, no more! " close up of little girls faces, tears running down there faces, boy walks over to the window and leans his forehead on the glass at their eye level. "Dont worry girls, have faith in me, I'll come back for you" one of the girls looks up at the doorway where a scruffy man is standing, he is looking at the girls, one of his eyes is bruised and cut. She turns back to her brother then walks away. "Don't forget that I love u both". The policemen handcuffs him and leads him into the back of the car and it drives away

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