Traduire   9 années depuis

Good 'Grief' My head is SO FULL white noise! That I cannot seem to turn down. When I try to change the channel, It switches to SURROUND SOUND. Not ONE SECOND can I go without You entering my mind. Feeling that I should have done more, But also knowing that I tried. I'm talking to you one minute. Then praying for you the next. I'm remembering the good times. And then trying to forget. I'm talking to myself now, Pretending that you're there. Believing you can hear me, And that you are here somewhere. I see the signs around me. A feather, A rose, A song. Not noticing quite possibly, That they were just there all along! Some words we take for granted, And think we know their meaning. Like 'hope' and 'loss' and 'love' and 'grief', But right now I'm all but screaming... "You don't know LOVE until it's gone!" "You don't know LOSS until you lose someone!" "When GRIEF tears your world apart, It's only HOPE that lifts you out of the dark"

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