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Emotion Drowning in sorrow, wallowing in pain, are two of the few things that can't be changed. And whilst in storybook endings they all live happily ever after, did you never wonder why it was all fun and laughter? People 'round here though, feel like me, happy, sad, depressed and everything in between. But why? I don't know. Why don't we ask Google? Because whenever we feel worried or ill that's all we seem to use now. Search up the symptoms of #life-threatening conditions, and then panic cause you've searched something your brain told you you shouldn't. So what's next? Ok, Google, help me figure out why I feel things human. Well guess what, that's one to figure out ourselves, rather than when you feel embarrassed contemplating throwing yourself down stairwells. I don't mean to be insensitive, what I'm trying to say is that there's always a way rather than physically hurting yourself with your fingernails. And trust me, I know that it hurts, even though you probably won't believe me seeing as I'm "only a girl." But when I felt embarrassed or upset the closest thing to me would dig into my flesh. They say laughter is the best medicine, yeah I laugh but not that often. So I guess that I'd be dead if I was ill. Apparantly positivity cures #life-threatening conditions, but what about babies who don't know what positivity is yet? But seeing a smile can bring joy or pain, depending on your personality that day. You can either become a happy person, or the green-eyed monster living inside of you. But be careful not to be caught because society won't accept you if you're not overjoyed. So don't get sent to the factory, where they insert your battery and imclude only one emotion in your programming, happy. So rest in peace, normal person. You will be remembered. But now all we see is the way society "repaired" you. To make you the living stereotype of their "perfect citizen." Nobody's perfect, but society doesn't accept that. Now we promise to water thedlowers on your grave, and continue to ignore the citizens society created.

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