Traducciones   8 años

Fathers Day Fathers Day is a day of mixed emotions for me. I never knew my father, he made the decision when my mum was three months pregnant that he didn't want to be part of my #life. I grew up knowing this and it has never once bothered me, I had strong male figures to help with my upbringing when needed. One day another man came into my #life, at first it was tough and we clashed a lot, this went on for some years but as i've grew older and wiser I am more than proud of him and of what he has done for my mum and sister. It took me a long time to think of him as a father figure, this wasn't because I didn't want him to be but because it was awkward for me to think of anyone in that role as I'd never had that person in my #life. He may not be my biological father but he is without doubt my dad. The day also throws up the emotions of never being able to hold my own, I see posts on Facebook all day long from, what seems like, everyone I know about being a dad and how amazing it is and how special they should be. Yet I sit here thinking what if, the circumstances were out of our hands and nature took its cruel blow, leaving me with an empty space. Fathers Day - an interesting blend of emotions

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