Tradurre   9 anni fa

Something Out There I think we go somewhere when we die. Im not sure its Heaven or Hell or if there is even a judgement. But i know we do something, i feel it. We cant just be bunches of atoms surviving and then sinking into the soil. That would be pointless and this world offers so many points. There is love beyond the makings of the brain and fear way to big to explain and sadness and light and passion. If we are all just pieces of molecules then none of that matters and we are just matter. So i have concluded that something or someone is connecting the dots for us, matching us with our soulmate and driving us towards our passions and when your world feels upside down maybe its because it was just turned right side up. The point is, i dont think its God but its something and one day we will all find out what that is. #life doesnt end when we die, it simply switches stages. There is too much here to be nothing out there.

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