A figure stood in the landscape the fields of grass begin to blow...... All was silent ..... Not even a crow could screech ...... There stood a young boy watching as the sun went down...... A young girl called his name ....Lucius The boy turned his head towards her as he herd his name being called, his jet black hair blowing in the wind...... The sun begin to set as the last rays of the sun casted a light across the horizon, birds flew over head .. Lucius..........came the girls voice sweetly Huh........ He saw her, her dress swayed in the wind he held out his hand to her, she took his hand as Lucius took her hand into his he then held her hands ......... He gazed into her eyes ......but something disturbed him........ His heart.........thumped with joy ..... Lucius ......please don't leave ....she said in sadness she put a hand on his chest he then put his hand over hers as she put a hand against his cheek he couldn't help but smile warmly at her..... For a 6-year old boy he was pretty smart and being the antichrist he had won her heart ❤️❤️❤️ lovingly..... He stood quiet as she begin to look up at him he then spoke with a gentle softness in his voice..... I ❤️ you ......_________{your name) he said as his eyes fixed on yours , you feel warmth and all you could think about was you and Lucius being together for eternity... Well this is all I decided to write if you have watched or played Lucius the video game you know who I'm talking about i tried writing a random introduction of this and I got bored but enjoy. ~by Claredelune~

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