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The Mother Chapter 1 "Callie!!" Her mother called as she walked in the door. "What is it mom?" Callie asked getting ready to walk up the squeaky stair case to get to her room. "Come into the kitchen!" Her mom said excitedly. Callie threw her phone on the couch and walked into the kitchen"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" Her little sister Loren shouted." Mom im 18 today, not 10," Callie snapped. " well im sorry. Its a shame i made your favourite chocolate fudge cake with strawberry icing... I guess loren and i will have to eat it so it doesnt go to waste.." Her mom said. Callie laughed" I dont think so mom im getting some of this cake whether its my birthday or not!" Callie said, all 3 of them digging into the cake. Chapter 2 "Mom im gonna go to bed," Callie said after a while. "Its only 120 dear. You usually stay up later then this," her mom replied. "I know, but im just feeling feeling tired tonight." She said heading up the stairs. "Ok dear..." As she was climbing up the squeaky old stairs, she heared her mom giggle a bit. Its nothing, she thought. Maybe it was just something on tv.... Ash she lay in bed, she noticed that she didnt fo to sleep. In fact, she wasnt tired at all when she went ip to bed. And it wasnt 120,either. It was 30 A.M. Had her mom really made her stay up that late? Or did she go to bed at 12 and stayed their until 3? She didnt remeber. So, she thought that maybe she just stayed up too long. " at least tomorrow is saturday" she said quietly. Callie woke up the next morning and found red marks on the wall. "What the heck!?" Callie said outloud. She wondered why there was scribbles on the wall. So, she figured it was Loren. She walked down the hall to her sisters room. "LOREN," Callie shouted " I KNOW IT WAS YOU," callie said after a few minutes. So,callie opened her sisters bedroom door. She noticed that Loren wasnt in her room at all. So she went downstairs and saw her mom and two police men sitting on the couch. Her mom was sobbing. " Oh dear oh dear!" Her mom said as Callie walked into the living room."Wheres Loren?" Callie asked. "Dear something happend last night," she started,"Loren was...taken... And some of her DNA was found." "Well theres red marks and scribbles all over my walls," callie said. As soon as she said that, she heard a laugh. She just brushed it off as nothing. Chapter 3 The two police men went to her room and looked at the marks. "Miss, this isnt markers or crayons. This is blood," he said. " but i was up all night last night! Loren wasnt in my room at all!" Callie said. "Oh god," callies mom said."Tell me you didnt..." "WHAT? Mom why would i do that!?" Callie said angrily."Did you kill your sister..?" One of the police men said. "I would never do any thing like that!" Callie said." I see something." Her mom said. She found a hidden knife in between a pile of clothes" i swear i didnt!!" Callie shouted." Miss, its in YOUR room. We need to look for fingerprints." A police man said. So they sis and they found callies finger prints on the knife." Callie im sorry but we have all the evidence here," said the policeman. " I dont beleive it..." Her mom said. Callie started crying and her makeup started running down her face." It wasnt me mom i could NEVER do that to my sister!!" Callie shouted."dear i.." Her mom started to say. The policemen took callie to the police station. She could bot believe this was happening her first full day of being 18. Callie was in the jail cell for at least an hour before she started panicking. She would never do amuthing like this. And kill her own little sister? Her 12 year old sister? Forget that. Who could kill a child? Callie rembered what loren said while eating the cake." I'll miss you callie," loren said. " why?" Callie replied. "Becuase.. Your 18 now and you will-" my mom cut her off."dont worry its ok Loren.." Callie rembered that whole conversation in the head. It was suprising that she remebered it. Suddenly, she heard her mothers voice."Yes... Callie is a... Threat..." She said to the police lady at the front desk. What did mom mean,she thought. Callie continued to listen." Yes.. Shes been acting strange.. Going to bed earliey.. Writing all over her bedeoom walls," after she said that her mother shot a look at callie and smiled a very evil smile. Callie didn't like it. Chapter 4 "Mom!!" Callie shouted. Her mom looked over at her. " oh god thats her!! My deranged daughter!!" She said to the woman. The womand had blonde hair like silk, skin like caremel. But her personality stuck out like a sore thumb."um,Elisa,is it? Yeah she wont be any harm to you dear. Shes stuck in there until she can handle #life," the woman said,giving me a dirty look. Callie cried every single night. She was finally able to get out after 3 months. She went straight to her mothers house. She peered in through the window. Of course her mom changed the locks. She already new that." You did very good Loren..." Her mom said. So Loren was Alive!! Loren was crying." Why mommy? I miss callie!" She said theough little sobs Her moms eyes turned black. Oh god, callie thought. My mothers a demon!?" She asked herself quietly. Her mom got up and alaped Loren across the face. There was a red mark on her left cheek. "YOU WILL DO AS I SAY OR I WILL KILL YOU!" She said. Loren nodded quickly. "But mommy.. Did you kill callie?" Loren asked. " i have had it with you. Liss your #life goodbye." Her mother ran to the kitchen. Callie jumped through the window. " Mom ypu cant kill her shes too young!!!" Callie said when her mom came back into the room" Well. I guess i have to do this the hard way then," she said. No sooner then that she hit Callie in the head with a hammer. Chapter 5 Callie had a dream then. She was walking in the forest;it was night time. Loren was holding Callies hand, as they walked through the forest. "C-Callie?" Loren whispered " what is it Loren?" Callie whispered back. Loren pointed ahead if them. Someone with a mask was standing there,with a knife. He started pulling Loren away from callie; Loren and callie were both screaming in terror. As he dragged Loren away from callie, Callie realized it wasnt a mask;it was a face. Then Callie woke up. She was in a small black room. The only light there was is a a small lamp plugged in an outlet, sitting on the floor. She felt her head; it was bleeded. She also saw Loren in the corner which was on 3 feet away from Callie. She felt Lorens pulse- She was dead. "No.." Callie whispered. She noticed no blood- marks around her neck-which were blue. Lorens body was almost all blue. She was choked to death. And callie new that she would be next CLIFF HANGER NEW STORY SOON!!!!!!

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