Translate   8 years ago

Clouds and faint memories. I lay on a hill, daisys scattered everywhere all around me, the sun beaming with heat onto my face. Clouds gliding over above me in the the baby blue sky, swallows dancing by, flying over in the sight of my grey eyes, mousey brown hair fanned out onto the strands of grass around my head. A tree looming over me with the leaves of different shades of green , rusting gently in the calm warm breeze. Each cloud had their own meaning and shape. That one over there was a flying saucer, coming to abduct the cows in a neighboring field. The one next to it looked like a turkey, reminding me of Christmas dinner a few years ago when max, the dog, snatched and ran of with the roasted bird in its mouth. Some loomed over like flying soaring birds of the day and night , more like small shaped boats to the funky looking fish from river, ponds and the great group of the seven seas. I could stay here for ever watching the clouds float by, like my own time in my own wide world, shutting reality out to dreaming off into an unexplainable and confussing world only i would understand.

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