Vertalen   9 jaren geleden

Country Friends I run tgrough the daisy scattered medows of the hills, the sun brewing off heat onto my white soft skin. Alec my childhood friend holding my wrist as we ran in each others company. Golden hair shinning out like the brightest light every made, blue eyes the shade of cold frozen ice. Sheep grazing at the grass in the other seprate fields close by, their woolen coats like cotton candy, blending well with the floating clouds that loomed over in the blue calm sky . Crops growing steadily in others, guraded by scarecrows as they warned off the masses of murder of the black feathered crows. Seeds of the dandilion blowing elegantly in the gental breeze, carring them of to their unknow destination.

  • Respect!
  • Liefde
  • HaHa
  • Wauw
  • verdrietig
  • Boos