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Grey Matter I How often do you find yourself sitting somewhere completely oblivious to everything around you? The birds, the people walking by laughing and talking, the cars and city transit zooming by in what seems like some sort of surreal world just inches away from your own reality. I guess it doesn't really matter how often you experience such peace and simplicity. I think what matters is what you take from it. What if while your sitting there in your own little cocoon of blur and muffled noises, your not only in a different mind set, but a different reality all together? Are day dreams really dreams at all? Is déjà vu really as simple of an experience as just a mere feeling? How can we know for sure? How can we know, that what we wake up to see every day is our actual reality? Could every next day not even be ours? Or maybe every day is different because it's the reality of our own lives but not us as we know ourselves? I've been thinking about these things a lot lately and I just can't stop wondering if the reason #life is such a mystery is because it's nothing we've ever even fathomed it being before. There are so many different possibilities and in those different possibilities there are even more different outcomes weather it be positive or negative. I think that with every decision we make in #life, small or big, it impacts the rest of our #life greatly. Just think about it. What if I'm right? What if this #life as we know it is all a lie, what if we actually have a lot more control over everything ? Maybe that's what our cocoons of blur and muffled noises really are.

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