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The Last Soul Eater Chapter one Grandpa Tommy As I’m sitting on the end of my bed looking at my clock get closer to six I can feel my body starting to jump out of its skin, “Not long now.” I say looking at my dog Nick petting her head. “Wik wake up!” I look out the window. “At last!” seeing my grandpas old red car pull in the driveway. Before grandpa can get out of the car I’m at the door opening it. “Grandpa! Your back!” I go to give him a hug but as I look up it’s not my grandpa it’s some man who was in the same close as him. “Hey why are you in my grandpa’s car!?” I yell read to hit this man. “Son, I have to tell you and your mom something can you take me to here?” The man asked me in a sad voice I’ve never seen someone so sad or betting. “Mom!” I yell running back to the house! “There’s a man in grandpa’s car and close!” I yell crying holding my mom. She walks to the door when she sees the man she starts crying. She knows what this means grandpa is dead. The man walks to us “Miss Lighters I’m sorry to have to tell you this but Tommy is missing.” The man holds my mom and me. “We are doing everything we can to find him Miss Lighters.” I push the man off me running to my grandpa’s car yelling “This isn’t funny come out Grandpa.” I look back to ask mom what’s going on but she is crying more now. I run back to her “Mom what’s wrong?” I ask holding her head in my hands. “Wik your Grandpa isn’t coming home his missing” I look at her all I want to do is call her a lie but I don’t because I know grandpa would not like that. “Yes he is I’m not moving from this spot till grandpa comes out!” I yell as load as I can hopping everyone hears me. “Son place don’t do this” The man asked me with his head low. “Fine but you have to tell me where my grandpa is, deal?” The man puts his hand out I do the same. “Deal.” The man says to me pulling his hand back. “First I have to tell you Tommy is one of the best men I know, I would do anything for him.” Mom puts her hand on his “I’m glad to know Tommy had a good friend all this time.” The man looks at the floor “He was a better friend then I was” The man gives mom a litter then gets back in grandpa’s car as he is driving away I see something in the mirror I don’t know what but I know it’s something to do with grandpa not coming home. Two months later the man comes back to the house. “Still no word on Tommy miss. Lighters” she looks at the man with such hate in her eyes. “I know what happened” mom slams the door in his face but before she started to cry she made sure the man was gone. “Wik come to me I have to tell you something about your grandpa Tommy” with a smile I run to her “Grandpa is coming home!?” with one tear in her eye she says “No Wik his not coming home I fear he has been taking by a something” I put one hand on her face. “What are you talking about?” mom puts me on her lap. “Wik grandpa Tommy is one of the two men left who can see into the soul of men, and pull out the things that people fear.” I take my hand off her face. “Mom what are you talking about! Where is grandpa!” Mom pulls me close giving me a hug. “Wik grandpa Tommy is a Soul Eater” I push mom away. “Way lie to me?!” I try to run out of the house as soon I get the door open the man who is driving my grandpa’s car is at the door. “What the fuck are you doing here?!” Mom yells as she runs pulling me behind her. “Miss Lighters I know you told Wik what he is now he has to come with me, I’m sorry” The man puts his hands on my mom pushing her into the wall. “You’re not taking my son! What would Tommy think of you if you do this!” Mom can’t make herself get up. “You broke the number one vole never tell one of us who we are, you know I have to take me to find out for sure” Mom throws some broken glass at him as she’s yelling. “Wik run don’t look back!” I do as I’m told I run for my #life. “Wik stop! You don’t know what you’re doing!” The man yells as he kicks my mom one more time. As I’m running I don’t do as my mom told me, I looked back. What I say I’ll never forget. I saw the man kill my mom. “NO!” I yell as I start to run to him ready to kill him for taking the #life of my mom. “That’s a good boy” the man says pulling something out of his pocket that has a glow to it. Just as I’m about to make sit one foot in the house all the lights turn off and the sun turns black. “What are you doing?!” trying to run away but can’t. “I tried to tell you Wik you didn’t know what you just got in to” The man says as he disappears into the shadows. With the man gone I fell this kind of fear come over me much more so then before. I can hear something coming up behind me it sounds like it’s walking on all four. “Who’s there?!” I yell as I’m turning every with way trying to find where the sound is coming from. “Wik……You’re going to be my new toy…….” This voice says, it’s coming from everywhere. “Wik……. Don’t be scared we are going to have so much! So much fun” The voice say I can tell it’s got a smile on its face. “Grandpa help me!” I yell falling on the ground. “Tommy……. You’re asking Tommy Lighters for help…….” The voice yells in fear of the name. With that the lights come back on and the night returns into day. “You got lucky Wik” The man says coming out from hiding. “Why are you still here?” I ask getting off the ground. “Wik Tommy was a Soul Eater, now that power falls to you unlike the rest of us you don’t get to pick if you want to power it’s yours now” The man walks to me. “What you just saw was the last thing your grandpa and I trapped, now it knows you have the power it’s going to come for and keep coming till you banish it.” Just looking at the man I can tell he knows more but his not saying. “What’s your name?” I ask still trying to get my mind around what just happened. “My name is Green” Green puts his hand out wanting me to put mine in his. “Wik I’m going to show you how to be a Soul Eater.” He says looking me in the eyes. With some glass in my hand I say. “Yes Green show me how to be a true Soul Eater. Before I take his hand I push the part of glass Inn his face. “This is for killing my mom bitch” Wik says as he pushes it deeper in his face. “Wik you’re the last Soul Eater don’t fuck this up kid. That was his last world. With that I run out of the house not knowing where I was going to go but knowing I had to go I just keep thinking about what I just say and about how easy it was killing that man. I have never been a fighter of any kind you would think I would be scared or fell some kind of fear but I feel good. After about two hours I go back to my house thinking I’m going to see the body of Green but what I saw I never would have seen coming. When I walked in the door Green’s body was gone it as if he got up and walked away but I know it can’t be I seen him die I killed him all that’s left is a note from Green, it reads. ‘Wik you are your grandpa’s blood you’re going to make a great Soul Eater the way you came at me was what Tommy would but don’t forget the way you got your power one of the laws have been broken now they are going to come for you and there not going to care your just a kid if they find you there are going to kill you Wik you have to run and never stop if you do you will be found and killed I’m telling you this because Tommy is my best friend I’m doing this for him now run Wik you have all of Tommy’s powers now you’ll find out what that means, Wik now run and never look back your old #life is done now you’re a Sole Eater you’ll find out that that means good luck my boy’ When I’m done with the note I burn it with a smile with is unlike me as will I can tell there is something going on with me but don’t what it is but I think it has something to do with this power I now have, the only thing I can do is try to find someone to help me find out what has happened to me. Nine months goes by I can find no one who can help me find out what has happened to me but I find now I can remover everything and I have this overpowering want to fight. I think part of this want to fight is because when I see a move one I know how to do it in this nine months I have master most of the will none fighting stiles, but because of this need to fight I have to keep moving in all this time I haven’t forgot what Green told me run if you want to live. “Wik come on!” one of the girl’s yell at me in a rage because all I’m doing is looking out the window when I need to be cooking this food for the people, “Sorry the food is coming right up” I say back a little pissed she would talk to me like that. One more think I find funny is that when I get pissed my eyes goes from a dark blue to yellow the ones who can see stay away with is how I like it. I’m now some place in the west making a living as a line cook in a small town always moving always trying to find out more about Soul Eaters but I don’t see earth one coming to an end soon. “Wik I’m sorry to tell you this but I have to let you go” My boss tells me happy because she knows I say her doing some drugs in the back room last night. With a smile “what happens next is because of you” I close my blue eyes when I reopen them they are a deep dark yellow, with my eyes like this now I can see everything. All she has done, all she is trying to hide and all she will do. “You’re not going to make it home tonight if I was I would call Jack to tell him by.” With that and a smile I turn and walk out the bar I can see in her face she is not scared. “Kid that was pretty good for a new guy” I look back at the man talking. “You don’t want to fuck with me right now friend.” The man drops his glass. “Kid don’t walk away from me!” I turn around my eyes still a dark yellow ready to dig deep in this man’s mind. But when I looked in his eyes I seen they are the same as mine. “Kid you don’t have the power to fuck with me now sit down when I’m talking to you.” I do what the man asked of me I sit on the table looking at him. “Are you a soul Eater?” I ask with my eyes still on his. “No Wik you are the last of the Soul Eaters I’m just a person who can see and use the powers around me. “You know my name what’s yours? I ask using the power I got from my grandpa to try and make him tell me. “Wik your power can’t work on me you’re just wasting your time.” I close my eyes when I reopen them there back to a dark blue. “What can you tell me about Soul Eaters?” I ask hoping this man will tell me something. “All I can do is tell you what was told to me close your eyes then think about the power you now have, if you do that you will have everything you need” the man walks out of the bar as he is looking back at me I see his eyes go from the same dark yellow to green. “Wik get the fuck out now!!” I do as she asked of me I go. But I can’t stop thinking about the man with the same eye. But I do find a note on the table with my name on it. It reads ‘Wik lighters, you have some powers but you have yet to find out what you really can do. Do as I told you and think on it I burn the note thinking As I’m watching it burn I look for the man using my power to try and find him somehow, by seeing him or finding something he left behind but I find nothing. But now the realalent is setting in once more I am out of a job and I showed what I was a Soul Eater now I have to run once more. This is the part that I hate always having to be on the move I can never just let myself find a place I can call home. When I walk in my motel I didn’t see the man sitting on my bed. “Wik my friend I’m going to need you to come with me” A man says holding a gun at me. “Bro you don’t know who your fucking with I’m going to let you go this is your lucky day” I grab my bag off the floor. “No you don’t know who I am witch is ok must people don’t but I like it like that if they did my job would be harder. “Go now! This is the last time I’m going to let you go with your #life.” I turn around ready to use my eyes to nock this man out. “It’s not going to work Wik but try all do” I open my yellow eyes trying to dig in this man’s soul getting ready to pull out everything that makes him the person he is. “When I get done with you you’re not going to know who you are, when I told you to go you should have done it” With a smile the man looks at me eyes open, nothing is happing. “Are you done yet? I’m getting inpayshent.” I just look at him thinking what’s going on?! “Wik I told you it’s not going to work now that you know this do this easy come with me” I drop my bag ready to run but I know that’s what he is wanting. “Tell me what you are then I’ll go with you.” He looks at me “OK” he gets off the bed walking to me. “I’m a man” He hits me in the face with nothing but his fist but that’s all it took to put me on my ass. “Wik Lighters you’re a little man with little power anyone with have a mind can stop your little tricks.” I can’t move this man hit me just like my dad would do thinking about that gave me the power to get up. “Wik you are something only one other person moved after I hit them like that your grandpa Tommy.” As the man is talking his walking out of the room. “I’ll give you some time to find out what you are if you know have what you need in three days next time I come I’m going to kill you dead Wik Lighter” For the #life of me I don’t know what he was talking about everyone keeps saying the way I got this power is braking the number one oath. I didn’t pick if I wanted to be a Soul Eater this power was forced on me what my mom told me what I really am. Because of that people are trying to kill me. Now it’s time to find out why no more running I’m going to find Soul Eater I’m going to make grandpa Tommy smile down on me. Chapter two What Is a Soul Eater? Six months go by, in that time I found out a lot about my new power I can do more than just look into some one’s mind and see everything I can make people see things and I can do something like reading minds. I can hear what people are going to do it’s like reading movements. And I came to find the more I use this power the more rage I get. I can’t help but think is this why all this people are trying to kill me? Is this what happens to Soul Eaters who get their power like I did? Or is this what happens to all of us? I don’t think it is I never seen my grandpa out of control like I am flipping from me to something I don’t want to know. Or did he not let me see this part of him? I don’t know but I do know I have to find a way to get this under my control I can’t keep going like this. I’ve moved from nine cities in this six months with each new city my time gets shorter as my rage gets lager before long I fear I’m not going to be me anymore all there’s going to be is rage. I can’t help but fear what comes next for me. As I’m deep in thought I don’t realize I’m using my power to make someone in the next room think there is someone trying to kill them. The next think I know I’m hearing gun shots with that I snap out of it with stopped me from using my power. But it’s too late the person in the other room shot herself in the head trying to get away from the people I put in her head. I look in one of the holes made from the gun to see her. I didn’t know I was smiling till I seen my face in the mirror, I can’t believe what I am becoming because of this power, look at this monster I am. Before I think I am running looking at all the people looking at me thinking am I using my power? At last I find a place without people I run to it looking for a place to hide hopping nobody finds me here. “Boy what the fuck are you doing!?” I know that voice, I look up to see my grandpa Tommy. “Wik get the fuck up!” I do as I’m told as I’m trying to give him a hug. “Stop!” Tommy yells “Grandpa?” Tommy sits down next to Wik. “Tommy I’m sorry you got the power like this you were never spots to get this, I never wanted this for you” Wik looks at his grandpa Tommy. “Grandpa how are you here now?” he looks at Wik. “It’s one of the last powers we get, the ablate to see the one who has our power you had to call for me before I was able to show up that only happens when you hit rock bottom witch you have going by where you are” Wik looks at the ground I killed someone using the power I didn’t mean to. “Wik this is going to keep happing I’m sorry son” Tommy looks at Wik. “The reason you have to pick if you want the power of not is because your mind needs time to adjust to it. The way you got the power just being told you’re a Sole Eater you didn’t get that time the full power was thrusted on to you your mind didn’t have the time it needed to make the changes.” Tommy puts his hand on Wik’s. “What do I do grandpa?” With a tear in his eye Tommy looks away saying. “I don’t know Wik this has never happened before the only time I heard about this was from a man saying he had no chose but to kill someone who got the power like you did he was out of control and lost his mind to the power.” Hearing this Wik picks up a bag looking at it. “Grandpa your saying I have to die or I’m going to lose to this power?” Tommy takes the bag from Wik. “With a heave heart I say yes Wik you don’t have the place of mind it takes to see inside your mind witch is the only way you’ll find the way to control this power.” Wik just looks at him. “Can’t I lure how to do this?” Wik say hopping his grandpa will say yes. “No I don’t think you can if you don’t do this you’re going to keep killing people till one day the hunters find you, you have to do this Wik” Tommy says crying knowing this is what needs to be done. Wik takes the bag putting it on his face. “I love you grandpa.” Tommy grabs the bag pulling on it cutting off all the air Wik has. Everything fads to black fast. Just as the last pit of light was about to fade out of Wik’s eyes the bag gets ripped off his face. “Thank you grandpa I knew you would never let me die!” Wik says trying to open his eyes but it’s not working. “What the fuck is wrong with you kid?!” this man asks looking at Wik. It didn’t take Wik long to find out the man who saved his #life wasn’t his grandpa but just someone trying to do the right thing. “Bro you fucked up just now you should have let me die” Wik says as he getting up walking away still looking for his grandpa. “Fuck you to kid” The man says walking behind Wik. Without thinking Wik turns around throwing a punch hitting the man who saved his #life in the face, the man’s eyes roll to the back of his head as he falls to the ground. “Fuck me to huh?” Wik says as he picks up a bag putting it on the face of the man who just saved his #life. “I told you that you fucked up when you saved me” Wik pulls on the bag crying as he fells the man’s bearing getting slower. Wik is hearing two voices in his head in this moment, his and a voice that comes now and then but it’s been coming more and more often now. The first voice he his own telling him to stop, this isn’t right. The other one telling him to keep going this fells goods. In this moment Wik is having an internally battle. “I’m sorry grandpa.” With that being said the #life of a good man was just taking, and the unknown voice just grow in power. “Grandpa help me place just tell me how to stop.” Wik says as he is taking the bag off the man’s face. “Wik I told you how to stop take your fucking #life.” The man who just lost his #life to Wik says in the voice of his grandpa. Wik turns around watching the man get off the ground with the face of Tommy. “Wik if you’re not man enof to do what needs to be done I’ll do it for you. Tommy picks up a bottle throwing it at Wik. Still in shock at what he is seeing Wik did nothing to move out of the way, the bottle hits him in the face making a deep cut over his left eye. “Grandpa?” Wik says dropping to one leg holding the cut. Tommy picks up one more bottle braking it on the wall next to him walking to Wik. “Son I’m doing this for you.” As Tommy is waking one voice is saying let this happen it’s for the best. The other voice is saying stop him pick up some of the gravel around you use it to blind him it’s not really Tommy. Going by that thinking Wik does at the voice says picking up the gravel using to make time for himself. Now it’s time to pick run or fight? Wik can’t tell if this is really his grandpa or even if this is really happing or not. It can’t be grandpa Tommy his dead so is the man Tommy’s soul is in so this has to be in his head. Wik take his belt off using it as a wipe nocking Tommy’s leg making him fall to eye leave with him, Tommy drops the bottle braking it the rest of the way. “Die” Wik says braking his neck if this was in real #life Wik would have let the Soul of his grandpa take his #life with he knows is the right thing to do, but Wik is still a man he can’t just give up without any kind of fight. But in this dream world there is no holding back. As the man falls back to the ground Wik is waiting to wake up to find the good man still dead in the same place as before, but what he sees is something Wik will never forget. The body of the good man has moved its where Wik broke his neck. That means Wik just killed his grandpa soul, Wik can recall being told something about killing the soul of a Soul Eater. If you ever come a crows a man who is being contorted by a Soul Eater who is already dead make sure you do nothing to make the Soul trapped in the body, it’s in. if you do the Soul Eater will be lost for all of time it’s one of the worst things that can happen to us being lost in the dark of a dead mind. Wik can think of nothing to do but hold the now two-time dead body of the man his grandpa’s soul is going to be trapped in for the rest of time, crying, wishing for him to come back to #life so he can set his grandpa’s soul free. He wants nothing more than to tread places with grandpa Tommy but as he knows that’s not one of the powers of a Soul Eater, all they can do is kill nothing more nothing less. But there is one thing Wik’s grandpa told him, Wik gets to a dark place where he knows he will not to found to think back on a mamery long forgotten. Wik my son, One day you will have the power to look back on your past you will be able to recall everything what you have done, seen and felt but with this power comes at cost ones you recall something you will lose it. Onley the ones with complete control over their mind can somehow save the member. In all my time I am yet to meet anyone who can do this not even I can do this but something in me tells me you’ll be able to do what I can’t. As Wik is getting up something comes over him he falls to the ground. Wik when you look into some’s mind making them fell what you want your taking that part of them let’s say you make a man fell scared or fear ones you do that they will no longer have the ability to fell that or if you make them see a cat or car they will no longer be able to see that earth. You have to know when to use this powers my son one day you’ll find out. I know you think I’m crazy but that’s good I hope you don’t pick the same path I did but if you do place don’t da as I did. As Wik is waking up he remembers all of this, now that his power as a Soul Eater is growing his getting all this memory back, it’s as if he is waking up from a deep sleep his eyes are now open. Wik lays on the ground for some time thinking about all he has just refound. Says nothing about all this rage Wik fells now. But Wik did find out something he can use if he wants to free himself from this powers all he would have to do is go back to when he found out about his power he had to go back to when he found out he is a Soul Eater, if there is no memory...

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