Affections Where Art Thou...? When I sit at home and watch TV, I wish you would come and sit close to me. When I tell you my feet are aching, I wish you would pull my feet up and massage it even when I'm sleeping. When I go to work every morning as I get up from my seat to leave the car, I wish you would give Me a kiss too and tell me that you love me even if it's from far. It's not easy being pregnant and not getting affections from the one I love, It's not easy being pregnant and still expected to be the one to be patient and take in all the cracks and foul mouth from the one I love, It's not easy being pregnant and still need to clean up after the mess of the one I love, It's not easy being pregnant when all I need is an occasional hug and hearing the words 'I love You' when it seems so hard to get from the one I love, Sometimes I feel like you forget that I am pregnant. Sometimes I feel like God is putting all this challenges on me coz He knows for a fact that if it was you who had to take in all this stress, you would've left me in a heartbeat. **Dear God, All I'm asking for is some love and affection for me and the little human inside of me... Please don't tell me that is too much to ask for...**
Brian Beisigl
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