Translate   8 years ago

The Adventure Of The Loch Ness Monster Once apon a time there was a girl named Penny.Penny is thirteen years old,she lives in Scotland with her mother, father and little brother and loves going on adventures.Yesterday she herd this man talking about the Loch Ness Monster as soon as she herd the man say it she ran home told her family about it and backed her adventure bag.She packed a flash ligh,binoculars,a bottle of water a camera and some food.Just in case she gets hungry.It was getting late so she went to sleep.13 HOURS LATER. It's mornig ,"what" it's 90am i have to get ready.So she got her adventure gear on and ran down stairs to have breakfast.She ate her brecfast and got her adventue boots on and said goodbye to her family ,but just before she left her mother said don't forget to be home at 170pm to have your dinner.Penny said i know mother you've told me that about a 100 times and i've never been late.So then she went of on her adventure she went threw the woods climbed a mountain with just her bear hands but it wasnt that hard because the mountain was about 25ft tall.And when she got to the lake were the Loch Ness Monster was she saw a shop saying scuba gear for rent.So she went over to the shop and rented a pair of scuba gear she went scuba diveing in the lake and saw the... Loch Ness Monster and she took a picture she swam back to shore gave the lady the scoobager and put on her adventure clothes and climbed the mountain ran through the woods and ran in side just in time for dinner after dinner she said i have some big news and shouted i took a picture of the Loch Ness Monster. All her family froze in shock and said can we see and Penny said yes,they saw the picture and printed it out and got a frame to put the picture in.The family was so happy that they went out to celebrate after celebrating they went home and got their PJ's on and got in to bed.And that was the end of Pennys adventure.THE END

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