Translate   8 years ago

This is just something I've noticed so idk if it's a rant or not. So I'll see people who want to see a specific artist or group or whatever, but their reason for not buying tickets could be because they didn't have anyone to go with them or they bought a ticket, then found out no one they really knew was going so they sold it, or gave it away. To me it just doesn't make sense! I know I've done that before, turned down concerts and shows just because I felt none of my friends were going and I didn't wanna go alone. But the truth is, even though it's fun to go with people you enjoy because they add to the experience of making the concert seem a lot more memorable, it's equally as fun to go by yourself. I mean, think about it. If one of your all time favorite artists/groups came to town and you knew only you listened to them and none of your other friends did and it was a once in a #lifetime opportunity, would you buy a ticket to go see them? Even if none of your friends were going? There's absolutely nothing wrong with going to a concert or show by yourself and I can't stress that enough and I wish more people realized that. I'm not saying it's not fun to go with people, of course it is! I'm just saying that it's OKAY to be alone, do things alone. If anything, you go to the show alone and what ends up happening? Most of the time you meet super cool people there anyways! That always happens to me, and I love meeting new people. I truly believe shows and concerts bring people together. But yeah that was my little rant I guess, lol.

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