Translate   8 years ago

Oblivion Sometimes oblivion can be staring you dead in the face But will still have the power to lure you in. You're aware that it's there But something inside of you is telling you to look past it, so you decide to ignore it Sometimes oblivion can be handed to you on a piece of paper You'd read the words But they'd go in one ear and right out the other All because you knew it was wrong, and still didn't listen And sometimes, Oblivion can be that mysterious type, the guy with long Jesus hair who looks like he hasn't showered and he probably either skates or smokes, both if you're lucky And he will seem like the most interesting guy alive to you. And you would fall for it, Every Single Time. That's the tricky part about oblivion. You know it's there. But you don't wanna believe it.

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